Friday, June 28, 2024

The Rudderless Ship of State

The debate between Trump and Biden was crystal clear evidence the US is in trouble. As if there was not evidence enough already.

You gotta wonder what's going on with Democrats who put Biden, who I basically like, but who clearly has dementia, on stage with mad man Trump.

It's the contest between the addled and the mad men.

I suppose the case can be made it doesn't matter since presidents have been figureheads since Bush Sr anyway, whose qualification for taking on the responsibility of head of state was running the CIA. We've been electing puppets since Bush Sr, and no one seems to be noticing.

Well, Trump is not a puppet, but there is a significant problem: he is personality disordered. The hundreds of mental health professionals who spoke out about this are 100% correct, a reality distortion field is the predominant force driving him.

So then who is running the show? In my opinion it's obvious, oligarchs and the intelligence agencies, including the two "new" ones, Homeland Security and the National Security Agency.

Meanwhile we sink ever deeply into authoritarian fascism. The US is in trouble and the answer is apparently going to be fascism. 

Oh, and the pharma drugs that only make the population sicker.

The empire is crumbling. Well it happens to all empires sooner or later. Does inevitability make it OK?

This seems to be the question with no answer.

1 comment:

  1. Being old, gives us a wider perspective on what the future may bring. I am glad I am old for the very first time in my life.
