Thursday, July 25, 2024

First do no Pharm

No it's not a misspelling, it's the title of a documentary well known British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra is currently working on. And Malhotra is seen here in a fantastic conversation about the third leading cause of premature death in the developed west after heart disease and cancer is pharmaceutical prescriptions. 

The man is on a mission! I think you will enjoy this conversation:

Monday, July 22, 2024

Why are Embalmers Observations being Ignored?

If you have an interest in seeing the political power held and expressed by the global pharma industry, this is an example:

BREAKING: Record-level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 50% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren't safe either)

How does a gorilla eat a watermelon?

I asked Chat GPT how Gorillas eat a watermelon:

"Gorillas typically eat watermelons by first inspecting and possibly tapping or sniffing the fruit. They may then use their strong hands and teeth to break the watermelon open, often smashing it against a hard surface. Once it's open, they scoop out the flesh with their hands and eat it, sometimes using their fingers to get the juices and smaller pieces. Gorillas are known to enjoy the sweet taste and the hydrating properties of watermelons."

Then I asked how Gorillas drink water:

"Gorillas primarily get their hydration from the fruits and vegetables they eat. Their diet, which includes a large variety of leaves, stems, fruit, and other plant matter, provides most of the water they need. While gorillas do drink water directly from streams or other sources, this is less common compared to the hydration they receive from their food. The high moisture content in their plant-based diet is usually sufficient to meet their hydration needs."

Gorillas don't drink very much water? How is that possible? And how do they get protein eating leaves and fruits?

One site said Gorilla strength is estimated to be about 10 times their body weight, and fully grown silverbacks are stronger than 20 adult humans combined.

If that's true, where do they get all that protein? It's a puzzle!

Monday, July 15, 2024

If you read only one of my blog posts, let this be the one

Dr Russell Blaylock is a retired neurosurgeon who has published his views on the Covid-19 pandemic in a paper published, (somewhat surprisingly) by the NIH, at the link below. May I suggest you begin by reading the paper?

If what Blaylock and thousands of other doctors who have broken ranks with the medical establishment are saying is true, the world as we know it has changed almost overnight in ways that force a level of cognitive dissonance on the general population that most will not be able to process.

These changes are not being spoken of in corporate media outlets, but can be seen and read in certain independent online resources, as in the NIH link above to Dr Blaylock's paper. I'm not sure why the NIH would publish Dr Blaylock's paper unless there are factions within the NIH that are actively resisting the views promulgated by Klaus Schultz and others (we can only hope), which can be seen in Schultz's book "Covid-19, The Great Reset", you may view at the Amazon link below:

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Economic Systerms

 There is no economic system yet devised that does not collapse eventually. Communism, the "completely altruistic" system, was a disaster. Currently the world is trending toward free market socialism. Free markets work best, maybe free market socialism will work best.

The problem is biology - it's a dog eat dog world. OK, now we can genetically modify biology...what are we waiting for? 

Nothing, it's in the beginning stages, as we speak.

The problem with that is the unique condition of biology is massively underappreciated. This planet has the only biology us modern space cadets are aware of. It depends on EVOLUTION, and evolution is thousands of years SLOOOW. 

We impatient modern space cadets operate from the idea that we can do better by leapfrogging over evolutionary change that would take nature thousands of years to accomplish can be done with genetic modifications in a week or so.

Will genetically modified biology go haywire? Dunno, we're going to find out. Early signs are not all that promising. Maybe it really isn't nice to mess with Mother Nature.

If it does go haywire a bio reset is coming, and it won't be pretty.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Geert Vanden Bossche warnings about mRNA

There is one expert virologist among all virologists who is sounding an alarm that due to the design of the mRNA approach something he calls immune escape is occurring in variants and will result in a final massive highly infectious and highly virulent Covid wave that will be far worse than any seen so far.

His theory about this as I understand it in simple terms is that mRNA causes "vaccine breakthrough inflection" that causes the virus to adapt and evolve into new strains and in so doing eventually become extremely contagious and virulent, the combination that is the most dangerous.

Meanwhile there seems to be no virologists who are listening to his warning, and so he's become the proverbial lone voice in the wilderness. And since no one is taking his warning seriously we seemingly have no option but to wait and see if his dire warning will come to pass, or not.

Here Vanden Bossche is in conversation with a concerned doctor on December 21, 2023: