Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Are we humans not as smart as we think we are?

A brief comment on this potential problem for us to ponder:

Humans being not as smart as we think we are is a huge issue.

Look, we are not trans-biological, we are an animal species with a certain brain size, and a corresponding limited intelligence. I would guess the smartest among us have an outstanding capacity to see this.

The "limitless capacity" optimists are in fact, and unconsciously, quite hubristic, and consequently, destructive. A primary consequence of this in the recent history of Sapiens is an incapacity to see the destructive aspects of industrialism and technology until we are well past the "oops" point.

Those too hubristic to see this can be quite dangerous. It's a form of narcissism that breeds all sorts of destructivity.

It is well to remember that technology will always be a double edged blade. The hope that we will solve the destructive aspects of previous technologies with "newer and better" technologies can only take us further from our biological (and healthy) foundation.

Monday, February 26, 2024

What does strength have to do with health and longevity?

Well, it turns out strength is the most highly correlated factor that we have control of  to health, longevity, and even cognitive performance. I suppose we might even say physical strength correlates strongly to mental and emotional strength.

And it trumps genetics, and by a lot.

How do we know this? To start with there was so much anecdotal evidence of this that researchers began doing studies on it. And at this point the body of research evidence for this is massive.

The topic of this blog is a scientist-researcher who also works directly with individuals:

Dr Andy Galpin, PhD, is Professor of Kinesiology (the study of movement) at California State University, Fullerton, and Co-Director of the Center for Sport Performance and Founder/Director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory.

In addition to this information being valuable to you personally, you may even find his story touching. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Are we facing a new disease?

Embalmers around the world have noticed in the previous three years a profound difference in the deceased. As they prepare bodies for viewing the blood is replaced with embalming fluid consisting of formaldehyde and several other agents. This is done by injecting the embalming fluid into the carotid artery using a pump to displace the blood, which drains out of the body through the right jugular vein. Recently however the blood cannot be replaced with embalming fluid in about 20% of the bodies due to a near complete blockage caused by an arterial plaque never seen before. It takes the form of long rubbery cords that block the arteries almost completely. It can be removed however with forceps, as the composition of these plaques is quite strong.

The consensus in the medical community currently aware of this is it's a completely new pathology. The very odd thing is it is (apparently) not being studied, and nothing has appeared yet in the medical literature.

However, as mentioned, general knowledge of this has surfaced with embalmers, which can be seen here in several interviews:

And a brief discussion on this topic between Dr John Campbell and Neil Oliver, a Scottish television presenter and author:

Saturday, February 24, 2024

A certain perspective on whole foods vs processed foods

I'd like to suggest a certain perspective when thinking about whole foods. It's helpful to folks who are learning the importance of whole food nutrition to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad carbohydrates, because carbs are frequently spoken of as if they are only bad.

This is the fault of the greedy bastards who want to keep us confused about nutrition so that they can continue to take advantage of us, and keep selling us crap, so that BigP can also continue taking advantage of us by putting us on drugs that make us worse not better. And then of course prescribe another drug (or two) for that.

Whole food carbs (fruits and vegetables) are of course good, and delicious.

Fresh whole apples are of course good, a baked apple pie with refined sugar, refined fat, and refined flour is in fact unhealthy, being toxic, addictive, and if those two are not bad enough, also full of empty calories.

We need only so many calories, don't waste the chance of getting them in their most potent form by eating only whole fresh foods.

We have this idea our grandparents ate healthy and were healthy. Compared to current generations there's a grain of truth there. But one of my grandmothers (who I loved dearly) was a great cook, but overweight, and also smoked and drank. This was not unusual in those days, the 1950's. It is still not unusual, but compounded now by fast foods which are also toxic.

Whole food carbs are naturally delicious and full of micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals).

To take it a step further, it is actually incorrect to call processed foods carbohydrates at all, they are more accurately called toxic food-like substances. Perhaps that's belaboring the point, but it is at least instructive.

None of the three macro nutrients carbs, fats, and proteins, in whole food form and essential to health, should be lumped in with junk food. It is fact an incorrect use of the term carbohydrates to say "bad carbs", or fats to say "bad fats".

The three macro nutrients are all essential and necessary for health. The more accurate term for the refined versions is "toxic food like substances".

We are healthiest when we consume 100% of our calories nested in whole food form.

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Many MDs are having the same negative experience...they do not like their job, and if they were starting over, they would not go to medical school. 


Well, they have learned what autophagy is (which is hard to avoid these days if one is interested in health to any significant degree). Autophagy is simply a fancy word for "the body heals itself" (when we stop putting toxins in it, and move with some significant degree of activity ).

And they've seen over and over that pharmacology (the only tool in their box) is worse than ineffective in the vast majority of cases. And they have seen over the years how the pharma industry has become an autocratic and corrupt dictator.

And now more and more of them hate their job...can you blame them? 

And the way the pandemic was handled turned a bright light on the exact ways this industry is broken.

Ever noticed how many hospitals there are these days? And childrens hospitals! The business model is broken, pharma needs more and more sick people for growth. 

Why are so many people on prescription medications for life?

Why is the US one of only two countries in the world that allows pharma ads in the mass media?

The medical system is completely broken, and the reason is a terribly corrupt and out of control pharma industry. Unfortunately it has become so profitable that pharma "owns" every corner of conventional medicine, and congress to boot.

Good luck getting congress off that pharma tit...

The number of MDs and nurses quitting their jobs is approaching avalanche proportions. 

Here is one doctors story, why, if he had to do it over again, he would have taken an alternate route to becoming a healer.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Death of Science - A New Dark Age

Dr John Campbell in conversation with Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author. Among other things the distinguished Dr. Dalgleish has written and published hundreds of research papers in prestigious medical journals, and is about as credentialed as a medical researcher can be.

Now he can't get published. 

I'm not sure it's apparent to the public that a "scientific establishment" that cannot allow all expert voices to be heard is not science, it is authoritarianism.

"As soon as free speech is ended, science also stops".
(Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, author of the Great Barrington Declaration.)

Monday, February 19, 2024

A thought experiment to help us know the difference between food and toxic substances

And it's pretty simple. Ask yourself "can I make a meal of this one thing"?

How would drinking a glass of deep fry grease make you feel? Your body would involuntarily vomit before you could down half of it.

This sort of thought experiment helps to identify toxic substances sneaking into our diets. We can tolerate the grease in a serving of french fries, but it is still toxic, and while it doesn't kill us immediately it does profoundly damage our health and vitality in subtle increments that go mostly unnoticed. 

Until they don't.

What about common table salt? The lethal dose in children is 4-5 teaspoons, and highly toxic to adults, whereas the sodium needs of humans are completely met by eating a balanced diet of whole plant foods.

A variation on the thought experiment: "could a child make a meal of that one thing"?

Food is the single substance "thing" we can make an entire meal of, with no discomfort. The size of a meal varies quite a bit person to person for a number of reasons, let's say for the purpose of discussion it's 1000 calories for an average adult.

Could you sit down to a meal of only table sugar? 1000 calories of table sugar is 60 teaspoons. Yep, involuntary  regurgitation, again.

You get the point. 

In addition we have just covered the reason an "SOS free" whole food diet translates to sugar, oil, and salt FREE. Yep, it's a thing.

When the opportunity to consume a non-toxic diet is as simple as the inclusion of only delicious non-toxic natural foods, why wouldn't we do it? 

Hunter gatherers did it because they had no choice. We can do it too, but for us it is a choice. The reasons we don't are primarily lack of awareness, and the greedy bastards who are taking advantage of our instinct structure by creating hyper-palatable substances and selling them cheap.

Calories are scarce in nature, which creates the condition of survival of the fittest, the instinct structure that still lives within us. When the "calories are scarce" instinct is presented with hyper-palatable food-like toxic substances, we are unconsciously driven to consume them. The "awareness" part referenced previously is primarily simply knowing this one thing.

There's a great book that covers this health destroying modern problem in greater detail titled "The Pleasure Trap". It's a vegan perspective, but the principles apply to any dietary perspective.

It's all about our health. What is it? In a word, vitality. It occurs simultaneously with a good mood and feeling energetic. It manifests as the ability to move the body with high levels of vigor, relative to age. For example, the potential to move the body at athletic levels relative to age continues to about the age of 80 in healthy and vital populations. There are even people in an outlier population running marathons at 90 and above. On the other hand healthy and vital to athletic levels at 80 is potentially achievable for most humans. 

What percent of modern US citizens achieve these levels of vitality into age 80 and above?

Help! I've fallen into the pleasure trap and I can't get out!

Yes you can... are you going to let the greedy billionaire bastards continue to get richer by preying on the unconscious instinct structure of humans, in the process destroying your nature given ability to be healthy happy and strong?

It is no exaggeration to say a great darkness has fallen across the land. Dispel it with the light of your own vitality!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Docu Film everyone should see - THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL US

It's a difficult watch for white, brown, or black. But it's a story that needs to be told, and EVERYONE benefits from watching it. It can be seen free of charge in the month of February at this Vimeo link:

And one has to wonder the role privileged white men play in this "soft" genocide:

Keeping certain populations uninformed?

Governmental revenues?

The hindrance of the development of a certain political class?

Fortunately citizens across the spectrum are waking up to levels and types of destructive corruptions plaguing our societies.

The most direct way to fight the corruption is a vote with your pocketbook. It's ultimately the only thing this government responds to.

Meanwhile it will continue delivering a massive spew of information thru mass media that is the exact opposite of truth.

And the fattest, most corrupt, and profitable lie of all? Pharmaceutical drugs are going to make us healthy.

Become informed. Stop buying the crap that is killing us.

People are waking up to where we are in time and place.

And that goes for all of us.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked

Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy.

Ros has joined forces with a number of health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about widespread government propaganda and the censorship of expert scientific opinion.

She speaks of her experience in this conversation with Dr John Campbell.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

mRNA tech - is DNA foreign to humans integrating into the human genome?

It seems like a reasonable thing to ask. The surgeon general of Florida is raising this issue, and is eloquent in how he presents it. Well worth a listen in the first few minutes of a longer video.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The actual cause of obesity - Fat?

A channel called Plant Chompers has valuable information in an enjoyable context. Here we are talking about the primary cause of the obesity epidemic in the US.

And I particularly enjoyed this comment below the video:

"It's pretty obvious fats are not hyper-palatable without the addition of salt or sugar or both. Single fats on their own are relatively tasteless. But they are hyper-caloric, and that allows eating smaller portions of food in a meal, another reason to call these meals "fast", gulping down 1000 cals in minutes. How long does it take to eat 1000 cals of whole fruits and veggies? Convenience is killing us! As "The Pleasure Trap" (book) points out our basic instincts are to avoid pain, seek pleasure, and conserve energy. Without responsible governance we are very easy to take advantage of. It's all about the GDP baby!"

Yeah, that was me lol  :)

Friday, February 9, 2024

Ordinary people are seeing through government lies and corruption

For many It will be a cognitive dissonance too far off the scale to fully process. In the developed west we've come to trust our governments. But it isn't too hard to understand how this happened. Well I shouldn't use the past tense, it's still happening.

It's basically a follow the money situation, but one outsized relative to the common forms of corruption we think of as business as usual.

It's also a situation where the self-reinforcing biases that form in centers of power become all encompassing so gradually over years and decades we don't really notice them fully until the ceiling collapses.

It is my feeling this will go down as the biggest scandal in US history.

It is reassuring however to know there will always be humans whose moral compass is strong enough they will not remain silent when ethics and morality are off the rails.

Such as Dr John Campbell, who two days ago asked: "what are these" ??

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

In the quest to rid the world of the evil anti-vaxxers...

BigP seems to have has shot itself in the foot. No, wait, they seem to have blown it clean off. Quick, get those guys on some drugs right now.

A taste of their own medicine?

You think you know how bad the pharma industry is? No, you really don't.

BTW I'm not a republican, but came across this and it hits the nail on the head, a former pharma guy talking about the negatives of ozempic for weight loss.

It's almost as if they come out with drugs deliberately designed to make you sick, so then they can put you on another drug.

Let's remember, the body heals itself with whole food nutrition, sleep, physical activity, and meaningful social connection.

Don't worry, not a Tucker Carlson fan either, and continue to find Trump to be a malignant pathological narcissist.

 But both parties have gone plumb crazy...

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Red Flags Ignored

 Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author, has a few things to say about the booster program you may want to hear.