Friday, June 14, 2024

Developments in the lab leak hypothesis, former CDC direction Dr Robert Redfield and others

Dr John Campbell is looking into recent developments:

It seems some want to ignore the lab leak hypothesis. Granted, the implications, if true, are very uncomfortable.

Personally I'm intensely curious about it. The pandemic is after all among the most profound historical periods in US history. 

And still not a peep about the lab leak hypothesis on main stream media? At least censorship of scientific debate on the internet did not completely work for the censors. Yea internet and freedom of speech.

Social media on the other hand was easy enough to do.  But how many scientists engage in legitimate debate on Facebook anyway? After censorship was enabled real scientific debate was occurring online, but very few doob tubers and mass media "news" watchers were aware of that. In fact it wasn't difficult to find pandemic related debate online among legitimate epidemiologists. And the public is still generally unaware how much legitimate dissension there was, and continues to increase.

How did we get the idea censorship of legitimate debate between experts was a good idea to begin with? Vaccine hesitancy! But isn't hesitancy a good thing in many instances? We were witness to one of those instances quite recently in fact.

The fundamental reason for censorship is always an illogical narrative that must be protected due to vested interests. The protection narrative only takes root in the form of mythology. The vested interests, the "true believers", are mostly unconscious of the fact the constructed narrative is a mythology. And so, the battle royal ensues.

Mythology is an idea construction that is socially true but factually false. And vaccines have developed a mythological overlay. 

We humans love our mythologies! And we keep inventing new ones. Myth busting is a primary reason science evolves. And a lot of what is called "science" is actually speculation.

Meanwhile it becomes evermore obvious the pharma industry has become so powerful as to manage narratives nearly completely about many things. And there is a strong mythological component in the pharma narrative.

Mythological? The reason pharmacology has distinctly mythological characteristics is that drugs are not the cause of health. They can save lives, but as a foundational platform for health drugs are a massive failure, which is increasingly visible in our pharma infused population.

What is the cause of health? The qualities existing in a nutrient rich diet and the discontinuation of putting toxic food-like substances in the mouth and swallowing...and clean air and water, sleep, exercise, and loving social connections, to name the basics.

None of which pharmacology has anything on offer. All they have is drugs with various side effects (which means all drugs are toxic to varying degrees).

And robust health equals robust immunity, which in the case of the covid-19 pandemic turned out to be much more effective than the experimental mRNA injections.

Meanwhile mythology has its fervent priests running the show. Apparently some things never change, even in our higher tech world of today.

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