Tuesday, June 4, 2024

BREAKING--Moderna Receives U.S. FDA Approval for mRNA RSV Vaccine mRESVIA(R)

This will be interesting, it is not a mandate, but it is mRNA technology, offered to the public over 60 as a reduction in risk from the RSV virus (Respiratory syncytial virus).

Dr McCullough has been like a dog on a bone regarding what he and hundreds of other MDs who have now gone on the record with their concerns about mRNA tech, and why. These vocal doctors consider mRNA technology to be "experimental" genetic modifications. 

Meanwhile the pharmaceutical industry has been gearing up for this moment (beginning with Covid-19) since the cracking of the human genome. The goal is of course twofold: fighting disease, and profit. As anyone reading my blog knows, I have issues with the profit side of the equation, it's "weighting" in that equation (which would have to do with biases, both conscious and unconscious), and insufficient regard for risk in the people who receive these novel mRNA drugs.

Among Dr McCullough's notes is this: "The press release does not tell the public the absolute risk reduction for clinically significant outcomes were far below 1%, meaning this product will not have a significant clinical impact." 

It should also be noted that Dr McCullough has prescribed standard vaccines throughout his career.

If you share these concerns you may find Dr McCullough's notes on this new mRNA drug interesting:

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