Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Pharma Fiasco and the dark side of the food industry

It started with the technological invention of artificial mother's milk. There's an expression, food is love, and the combination of "baby formula" and no direct connection to mother's breast, baby's instinctual source of life, was the negation of food is love.

In my opinion this was a significant part of the cause of the many oral addictions and chronic diseases most boomers have suffered, shortening "high energy life" span by decades.

Then we were set up for the old one-two knockout punch: in the same period processed foods were becoming the norm.

And that knockout punch was the transition to addictive (hyper-palatable) toxic food-like substances. Trix for kids? Yep.

As people got sicker pharma and big food grew like the weeds they are.

And we fell for it. Our family doctors fell for it! They were educated in the pharma fiasco narratives.

A very few of them have pulled their heads out, and have fully awakened, which is very refreshing. (Heads buried you know where are definitely not refreshing.)

Here is a sterling example in this conversation of the awakened between Dr Mark Hyman and Dr Casey Means. Oh, if we could all have family physicians this enlightened.

The title of this conversation is 

"This Is Decreasing Our Lifespan!" - Dark Side of Food Industry Nobody Talks About

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