Friday, August 18, 2023

YouTube and Side Effect Pharma

YouTube follows us around. The algo "feeds" us the things we are interested in, which puts us in a "silo" of sorts, that some call an echo chamber reinforcing what we already believe.

I will also argue the advent of the internet has accelerated the pace of learning by some exponential. People warn the internet is full of crazy stuff, which is true, but it is also a vehicle for thoughtful content. Choose wisely.

I've just come across a guy who sells supplements, but he also advocates a whole foods diet. And when we eat a whole foods diet of sufficient variety we get the nutrients needed automatically, and they will be of much higher quality than the derived variety. Nutrients work in concert in a whole food to become more effective and powerful.

So perhaps he is using supplements more sparingly and effectively. He is also no fan of pharmacological drugs in general, so I would say he is generally aware of the true causes of health.

So why am I bringing this up? I think he has done a couple of videos that are informative and important. The first linked below describes the common use in drug studies of relative risk to inflate the actual benefit of the drug, as opposed to absolute risk, which states the actual statistical risk reduction of a pharmacological drug. He describes the difference between relative and absolute in a very clear way, which is most helpful.

Consider this: if the pharmacology industry was required by law to report absolute risk as opposed to relative risk? Well, the pharma industry would no longer be "big". It's a money making scheme politicians are on board with. There are two problems with that:

1) This approach is mostly responsible for the great collapse in the health of US citizens. Of course there will be great debate on this mounted by the folks on the gravy train, so consider the source.

2) It's fraud. Legalized fraud, but still fraud. The gravy train passengers are making big money on disease, and operating on a "revenue growth" model, which when successful increases rates of disease in the population exponentially.

The other video is very controversial having to do with the many studies clearly showing the mRNA approach we were exposed to as the remedy to Covid was responsible for greatly increased rates of myocardial injury.

I feel this is very important also. It's been difficult coming to grips with the result of pharmacology becoming "big". We've been thrown into a dangerous parallel universe of greed, corruption, and declining health. Yes it is difficult, but health is the thing everything else is built on. Coming to grips with it is important.

I also want to add there are good things that come out of pharmacology. The problem is the ratio of good to bad has gone strongly negative.

How do we protect ourselves?

Consume whole foods and move our bodies so we won't need pharmacology nearly as much (if at all), and become educated and informed as to the dangers of "side effect pharma".

And if we do this most of our working doctors will thank us for bringing integrity back into medicine. What a nice idea that is...

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