Monday, August 14, 2023


Everyone I have come into contact with (hundreds) who have done an SOS free whole food plant based diet has lost ALL the excess weight and kept it off. That is a wee bit better than the "normal" 5% success rate.

So what is it?

It is the species specific diet for humans.

"SOS free" is no added sugar, oil or salt.

We get the amounts of sugars, fats and sodium our species is biologically adapted to from the variety of whole plants we consume.

We've lost sight of the fact we have a species specific diet, but every species has a species specific diet, including us. "In the wild" it is the only diet available. We humans are complex, "innovation" and what our body needs for health are not always compatible.

In an SOS free WFPB diet we choose all of our foods from these food groups:

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds.

We shop for the qualities responsible for health in no particular order of priority: fresh, ripe, raw, whole, organic.

Shopping for the best produce is a skill that increases over time: look, smell, touch.

The SOS free WFPB diet is logistically simple and causes hormone regulation to occur, and along with that natural mood elevation.

"Feels good feels better than tastes good tastes" is the hook that works.

The bonus is fresh whole foods without sugar, oil and salt began to taste better than the "normal" diet. Our taste buds have been oversaturated and put to sleep.

The thing that is most difficult about reversing obesity is psychological: 

On a deeply unconscious level we associate the SAD (standard american diet) we consumed as young developing children with survival. We are, in a real sense, "addicted", and when we internalize this knowledge we develop a much higher probability of regaining our health.

As the weight comes off our energy returns in proportion, and our body will WANT to move. Movement becomes play, not work.

And with naturally balanced hormonal regulation and increased energy our mood elevates naturally.

And we tend to no longer "need" prescribed life-time pharmacologicals.

And we become physically and emotionally healthy.

It makes sense that when we put the foods in our body that we are biologically adapted to we become healthy and happy.

Because the food we put in is the FUEL that drives every biophysiological function in our body/brain 24/7/365 from birth to death.

The quality of fuel is everything.

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