Saturday, October 12, 2024

The biggest vaccine controversy since the advent of vaccines

The biggest vaccine controversy since the advent of vaccines is gaining momentum and power. Meanwhile governments everywhere blindly mandated the first mass scale genetic modification of humans in history, taking the advice of the pharma industry, which has integrated itself into all major governments in the developed world. 

They have done this by virtue of one thing primarily: the revenue streams all governments need to keep everything going. It is not the efficacy of the products on the whole, since it is increasingly clear the more pharma products taken by the public, the progressively worse the overall health of the public becomes. 

There is another factor of course, the processed food industry, which along with pharma has formed the most corrupt industrial duopoly since the advent of the industrial revolution.

Of course if one is not "health fanatic" research oriented it's unlikely one will know of the levels of real science being done revealing the dangers to health and life itself these RNA products have caused. And it is unlikely most will not know of the real science being done for the simple reason it is still being censored in social and mass media.

And I say "real" science for the simple reason the so-called science funded by the developers and profiteers (of anything) is de facto biased, and the entire point of science is the elimination of bias isn't it? How is it governments have allowed this travesty to begin with, and grow?

Again, revenues, the life blood of governments. And now with economic systems around the world teetering, the situation is out of hand and gaining intractability.

A member of the Australian parliament has written a public letter to the prime minister of Australia, backed by scientists and medical doctors, asking for immediate suspension of the RNA product for further independent study. And this is based on quite a lot of pre-existing independent study already.

We'll see what comes of this, it's hard to imagine governments will be persuaded given the deep layer of egg on their collective face. And if not persuaded, it would seem to move most of the developed world further toward a new collective totalitarianism.

Dr John Campbell has been covering this, here is the most recent:

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