Sunday, July 17, 2022

How the West brought economic disaster on itself

A most interesting conversation:

How the west brought economic disaster on itself could be seen coming from miles away by anyone who understood The Great Barrington Declaration at the point it was published.

And why was TGBD so roundly trashed? This was the lemmings over the cliff moment...there has probably never been a greater profit vs time sequence in the history of industrialization, an opportunity seized by Big P as a consequence of the pandemic for a virus we learned very early on was very risk stratified. A virus that was not therefor an all encompassing threat to the continuation of the human species, as opposed to the manic-panic narrative that was imposed by the profiteers to the exclusion of all else. A manic narrative that still, BTW, commands the media.

And then there was the west's apparent complete and hubristic lack of understanding of Putin's psychology.

It does make one wonder... is man's most noteworthy (and perhaps ironic) feature his capacity for self-delusion? And why ironic? Because he is so completely unaware of this capacity, despite being "the most intelligent" creature on the planet?

In that one sense we may be the least intelligent of creatures.

The industrialized world led by the US has been headed toward economic collapse for at least two decades. It's only now that the collapse is accelerating that it becomes more "visible".

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