Friday, June 5, 2020

Interesting research on covid-19

Vascular health is very much an integral part of immune function. Do a search on "corona virus endothelial damage blood vessels"

Lot of hits, here's an example:

This is interesting because damage to the endothelial lining of blood arteries, vessels, and capillaries is the cause of cardio vascular disease.  What causes the damage? Smoking does it. But an even more aggressive agent is higher levels of fat in the diet, causing blood lipid levels to rise. Caldwell Esselstyn, the Cleveland Clinic surgeon who wrote the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, discovered this relationship. Increased fat in diet is the direct cause of fat in the blood is the direct cause of endothelial damage. But reduce fat in the diet to 10% of calories and it stops occurring immediately. Even better the plaques that formed as a result of chronic endothelial damage begin to melt away.

Not to mention insulin sensitivity shoots way up very quickly also (to levels of normal functioning).

These are two of the key reasons the 80/10/10 diet is the disease reversal diet. There are others, notably that animal product consumption is implicated nine ways to Sunday in cancer proliferation.

So what is the 80/10/10 diet? There are variations, but they all get 80% of calories from carbs (healthy whole food carbs of course), 10% from fat, and 10% from protein.

It may be worth remembering...all plants are carbs. Calling junk food "carbs" is a bastardization of the word. So let's just call junk food junk food, OK?

Meanwhile, back at the (cattle) ranch, it takes years of chronic damage, meal after meal after meal, for endothelial damage to build to the point of critical stage heart disease. But make no mistake, the high fat standard american diet (SAD) is the cause. There is very little question about this at this point, but the information is being suppressed for various reasons (mostly having to do with protecting revenues of several highly profitable industries).

As you probably know the Cleveland Clinic is thought to be the lead cardio hospital in the country. Esselstyn had an illustrious decades long career there, but when he published his research he was ostracized and became a semi pariah among his colleagues.

Meanwhile if individual docs at the clinic had a heart attack they would come to "Essy" on the QT to reverse their own heart disease. They also began sending loved ones.

But Essy came within a hairs breadth of being fired. He is a gold medal Olympian, a stellar student, a physician of many decades and many accolades, president of this and that, and the all around consummate professional. The clinic really couldn't fire him, it would have brought even more attention to his research, which lets be honest, should have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine....a rapid, efficient, complete and final reversal of the leading killer? All by something as simple and inexpensive (free, basically) as adopting a low fat vegan diet?

Hey Nobel Committee, maybe it's not too late, he's only 87 years old...

Meanwhile Essy's colleagues were watching his study group (all of whom they had sent home to die) rebound miraculously from this "incurable" disease. Most of these former patients are still around, still healthy and active in their 70s and 80s. Those who went back to the old ways? No longer with us.

So what's this got to do with Corona Virus deaths?  I seriously doubt there will be studies, much less published data (we aren't allowed to talk about the serious health implications of a high fat diet), so I will propose that pre-existing damage in vascular endothelium is a strong co-morbidity factor relative to covid-19 susceptibility. I got there by using a little deductive reasoning of the same sort that has led many experts to propose those with the strongest immune function are the most resistant to developing symptoms even when exposed to the virus.

Think you don't have arterial plaque? Are you an American?

Vascular health is very much an integral part of immune function, but I doubt we'll see docs talking about that any time soon either.


  1. Where can I find out more info about the 80/10/10 diet? What to eat?

  2. Good question, the aforementioned book by Esselstyn is excellent, any book by Dr John McDougall, books by Dr Neal Barnard, and the book titled The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr Doug Graham.
