Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A simple theory - why the incidence of auto immune diseases is increasing rapidly

So, as we know, autoimmune conditions are where the body attacks itself, it's own tissues are destroyed by the immune system. Medical science has been completely baffeled by this for years.

However. I think it's very likely as veganism continues increasing in popularity the real reason will become more culturally acceptable and begin to surface.

So what is it then, the real reason? It's actually very simple, and logical.

The immune system is attacking it's own tissues right? Did you know eating animal products causes immune system responses to rise? Apparently there are factors in animal products the immune system recognizes as "toxic", and activates to neutralize.

Our own cells are animal cells. How does the immune system know the difference? Answer, it doesn't, and when we eat animal products the immune system attacks them, but also our own cells.

And it's not that the body can't tolerate any animal product consumption at all. The problem is a dramatic increase in animal product consumption as a modern cultural phenomena. The body is a detox machine, it is designed to handle all kinds of undesired substances that come in. But it can be overwhelmed, and that is the basic cause of chronic conditions...toxins are coming in faster than the body can expel them.

This is a modern disease. We now have the industrial capacity to ramp up production of many foods that are instinctually appealing for various reasons...they may be calorie rich, foods that are harder to come by in "wild" pre-industrial conditions. We are not to blame for wanting these substances, our instincts are telling us to eat as much of them as possible.

But they are killing us.

I found an interesting web page endorsing the point of view that excessive animal product consumption is the cause of autoimmune conditions:

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