Monday, April 6, 2020

why do bogus health ideas get so much exposure?

It's pretty common knowledge by now that our genes do not play the lead role in our health. In fact they could be said to be bit players. So why the fascination?

It's two things, one the promise of "easy fix" is compelling. For all of us, but especially for the scientists leading the charge, who are also motivated by altruistism, professional accolades, and potential for wealth generation.

Gene therapies can be patented. Medical prescriptions and procedures that can be patented generate revenues in the billions.

This is also why we don't hear as much about the thing that actually affects health the most. It's free and can't be patented, and when you get past all the deliberate efforts to keep us confused about health and the cause of health, it's not complicated either.

Past the confusion there is no mystery about the cause of health. Good health is caused by good nutrition, and lack of toxic input. These two factors are equally important.

PS - good nutrition does not come in "easy fix" pill form. In fact there is a lot of scientific evidence pills, potions, and tinctures (foreign substances to the body) are on balance health destructive. We don't hear much about that either.

Being overweight is not the worst thing in the world, the problem is that it's highly correlated with all the most common health problems, and most of the less common also.

Are you interested in the science supporting the view genes play a limited role in determining our health? The vid below on the role of genes in the obesity epidemic is not a bad place to start.

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