Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Beauty of Mastery

Mastery, in whatever form it takes, is beautiful. I came across a short video (below) that illustrates this principle perfectly.

Some forms of mastery will have visceral appeal, others will have cerebral appeal. There will always be a mix of both in mastery, which can be more or less obvious. Take chess for example, where is the visceral appeal in chess? Perhaps one has to know a little about the game to find the visceral hiding within. The movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer" illustrates that, it's a biopic of a real person (Josh Waitzkin) about his early years as a chess prodigy. An even better illustration of the beauty of mastery is the book written by Waitzkin himself about his journey titled "The Art of Learning".

Because mastery is ultimately all about learning.

I really enjoyed this short video titled "What Does it Take to be a Shen Yun Dancer". I think you will too.

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