Thursday, March 19, 2020

Cancer Research for Development of New Drugs that Work

Research for development of new drugs that cure cancer ...

is like research for a drug that cures lung cancer so people can keep smoking.

Obviously we are collectively more stupid about food than we were about tobacco, right? Food is food. It's survival. What we grew up eating is hard to kick. Even if it is a toxic addiction. Or perhaps especially because of that.

But let's not forget how stupid we were about tobacco. I'm old enough to remember all the doctors who said smoking is not bad for you. And the literally thousands of studies that showed smoking caused cancer decades before government put the Surgeon General's Warning on every pack of cigarettes and banned tobacco advertisements. And then when the news was in, all the smokers who said they'd rather die than give up the pleasure of smoking. Really?

The weight of the evidence was massively one sided decades before the sea change in social attitude occured.

We know cancer is the result of toxic exposure right? It's not because of susceptible's susceptible genes + toxic exposure. And toxic exposure is the bigger part of the equation. We don't know what the precise ratio for that equation is. Don't be surprised if it turns out to be 80% on average. But don't count on big pharma being the messenger of that news. It will come out of small university labs, most of which are not in the US.

The weight of the evidence is already in IMHO. With all the noise out there you wouldn't know it. So I'm going to expand on Michael Pollan's dictum a bit: "Eat food, mostly plants, not too much".

Eat whole foods, or foods that are minimally processed. Processing includes cooking, blending, and juicing. How many steps away from whole is the final result? Three? Five? No clue?

How bout no steps?

Eat whole fruits and green salads as a big part of your diet. Let that form the bulk of what goes into your mouth.

Choose fruits and vegetables that are closest to meeting the five requirements for health: whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic (in no particular order).

Thanks to Doug Graham for tirelessly teaching the five food requirements for health.

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