Sunday, December 31, 2017

A condensed education in "Natural Hygiene"

Natural Hygiene is a diet and lifestyle philosophy that was described in (at least) two contemporary books, "Fit for Life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond published in 2002, and "The 80/10/10 Diet" by Dr. Doug Graham in 2006. Both books were best sellers, possibly because Natural Hygiene is based (in no small part) on common sense.

What do I mean in this instance by "common sense"? We've heard our entire lives that fruits and vegetables are the original health foods. We've all heard the quote by the original medical doctor Hippocrates to "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

Recently "fruit is bad for you" has become a cultural meme. I could give you my ideas about how this (health destructive) state of affairs has come to pass, but that's a topic for another post at a future point. Meanwhile have a look at a short video by natural hygienist Loren Lockman to judge for yourself the long term effect lots of fresh fruit (and vegetables) has caused in his state of health. If this video peaks your interest, it's the first in a brief series of short videos recorded last year at Lockman's Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica. In total they are a fairly comprehensive but condensed presentation of Natural Hygiene philosophy.

Creative credit: Symbiotic Solutions Youtube Channel

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