Monday, July 22, 2024

How does a gorilla eat a watermelon?

I asked Chat GPT how Gorillas eat a watermelon:

"Gorillas typically eat watermelons by first inspecting and possibly tapping or sniffing the fruit. They may then use their strong hands and teeth to break the watermelon open, often smashing it against a hard surface. Once it's open, they scoop out the flesh with their hands and eat it, sometimes using their fingers to get the juices and smaller pieces. Gorillas are known to enjoy the sweet taste and the hydrating properties of watermelons."

Then I asked how Gorillas drink water:

"Gorillas primarily get their hydration from the fruits and vegetables they eat. Their diet, which includes a large variety of leaves, stems, fruit, and other plant matter, provides most of the water they need. While gorillas do drink water directly from streams or other sources, this is less common compared to the hydration they receive from their food. The high moisture content in their plant-based diet is usually sufficient to meet their hydration needs."

Gorillas don't drink very much water? How is that possible? And how do they get protein eating leaves and fruits?

One site said Gorilla strength is estimated to be about 10 times their body weight, and fully grown silverbacks are stronger than 20 adult humans combined.

If that's true, where do they get all that protein? It's a puzzle!

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