Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dietary Heart Disease, Damage to Arterial Endothelial, Rubbery Plaque Formation, and Spike Protein Damage to Endothelial

We know from dietary heart disease that damage to the endothelial generates a rubbery plaque to form on arterial walls as a defense of some kind. And we now know the mRNA vaxxes generate massive spike proteins cascading through the arterial and vascular systems, damaging the endothelial, and generating similar rubbery plaques as occurs in dietary heart disease.

If nothing else this vaxx disaster shines a bright light on the cause of premature death in the majority of developed world populations, which could be a positive for population health.

That is unless the pharma industry manages to cover up this connection due to the damage it would cause to their business model.

There is a well documented sordid history of this sort of cover up. But wouldn't it be nice if the most prescribed drug, statins, becomes the least prescribed drug because it isn't needed any longer, and developed world healthy life spans were extended by decades.

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