Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Child excess deaths 8%

Well enough noise is being made in British Parliament (and other European governing bodies) about the excess deaths above historical averages to be of concern. And now it comes to light this is occurring in children as well.

Unfortunately this was predicted by many of the most respected epidemiologists early in the pandemic, but their voices were not given "air time". Well that is being polite, they were threatened with losing their positions if they did not shut up and sit down. And many of those that refused to shut up did lose positions and livelihood.

Real science welcomes and encourages lively debate, and "settled science" takes time. We all know that don't we? Why did so many accept and follow "rushed" science when real conversations were going on between real experts online? Too much pharma owned "commercial media" perhaps?

And we cannot say water under the bridge, the fallout is still occurring in more than one way, the breadth and depth of which is still not "in the news" on, you guessed it, pharma owned commercial TV.

Here is a short clip of a female British MP (member of parliament), a senior pediatrician speaking to the parliament of her concerns.

The full transcript of Dr Johnson's remarks:

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