Sunday, July 30, 2023

Concerns about the damage to the doctor and patient relationship around the developed world

In the video linked below two health care experts of long service share their concerns about the damage to the doctor - patient relationship around the developed world. Dr. Robert Clancy is a consultant physician and pioneering immunologist, professor of medicine, emeritus professor of pathology, doctor of medicine, doctor of philosophy and doctor of science, author, teacher, broadcaster and holder of the Order of Australia. And Dr John Campbell will be familiar to readers of this blog. 

And it is concerning, particularly as we consider the wrongheadedness of the entity responsible for that damage.

Let's first acknowledge there is much that is right in modern medicine. I'm pretty sure I would not still be here (more than once) if it were not for modern medicine. So let's give credit where it's due.

But let's also look frankly at the pharma industry, and the wrongheaded idea it's based upon that substances we are not biologically adapted to can be the cause of health in individuals and populations. If that idea were true, we here in the US who are prescribed and given the most pharma product of any population in the world, would be the healthiest population ever, but in fact we are the least healthy population in the history of the developed world.

And the increasingly dismal state of health in the US even includes children. The health of children in the US compared to the rest of the developed world is getting worse in epidemic proportions. This is largely caused by the toxic US diet relative to the diet of the rest of the developed world, but it is also statistically proportional to the increases of the number of vaccines school children are required to get to attend school. Again, vaccines are not food, they have no nutrition, and are "ipso facto" toxins.

But pharmaceuticals are an easy sell...a pill or shot to fix all! Reminds me a bit of the medicine shows of the wild west writ gargantuan.

Let me say here I was never a vaccine skeptic until the lockdowns and censorship of the pandemic. But I have long been a skeptic of the pharma industry in general, and it quickly became apparent to me (along with millions of others) there was something "very rotten in the state of Denmark", and the pharma industry was behind it.

And that has caused me to rethink my neutral stance on vaccines, and the massive shame campaign mounted by the pharma industry against mothers who were concerned in the tens of thousands that the proximity of vaccines to injuries in their children were not mere coincidence.

Pharma was also the entity that produced the studies that showed no causal correlation between increasing childhood vaccines and injuries. These sort of studies are expensive, and pharma can afford to mount them, and also have a vested interest.

Wait a minute...have a vested interest? How did we let that slip us by? Modern science has as it's fundamental plank the elimination of bias in research studies. That means vested interests cannot have ANY involvement with the studies. The argument "only pharma can afford them" is a completely invalid rationalization in the context of "real" science, which seems to have been decreasing massively in proportion to pharma funded medical research for a few decades now.

If we have the idea the US health agencies NIH CDC FDC are independent of pharma funding we are not up to speed yet to the degree of "capture" of the entire health care system from government agencies, to medical journals, to the education of MDs and nurses, and even the dispensaries, have been subject to. And then there's Congress.

All of this corruption might be said to have started with good enough intentions, that of keeping patients from being injured by quacks posing as health care experts, but it quickly became more about "protecting turf" than patients, and can be argued to have done far more harm than good. A study in 2016 by John Hopkins found "medical error" to be the third leading cause of death in the US.

In this context the word error may be too generous. Was the opioid epidemic an error? Or was outright fraud committed?

"16 Defendants, Including 12 Physicians, Sentenced to Prison for Distributing 6.6 Million Opioid Pills and Submitting $250 Million in False Billings.",16%20Defendants%2C%20Including%2012%20Physicians%2C%20Sentenced%20to%20Prison%20for%20Distributing,%24250%20Million%20in%20False%20Billings

And the opioid epidemic is the teeny tiny tip of a Titanic sized iceberg. How much fraud has the pharma industry been convicted of?

"From 1991 through 2017, a total of 412 settlements were reached between the federal and state governments and pharmaceutical manufacturers, for a total of $38.6 billion."

And here's the kicker: $38.6 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the amounts pharma spends in the "capture" of the entire health care system and our legislative bodies.

Commercial interests, who for the most part believe their own bullshit, appear to be completely ignorant of the true cause of health, which is quite simple (and free), but rarely practiced. Yes, we all know it is diet and exercise along with a few other basic lifestyle practices. But fixing diet is first and primary, and without that done first nothing else can be fixed. The reason for that is food is the fuel for every process in your body and brain, which includes the "repair work" the body/brain does continuously 24/7/365 birth to death.

A big part of that work is the clearing of toxic waste, and when we knowingly or unknowingly consume toxins we "use up" so much of the body's limited capacity for cleaning and repairing, and then we fall rather quickly into a state of continuous disrepair. And that leads into a continuously deteriorating state of the misery of chronic disrepair, and a shortened healthy lifespan.

Modern pharmaceuticals can in some cases keep us alive for longer, the tradeoff being the last decades will not be good ones.

We avoid all that with real food that has two prerequisites: 1) a high nutrient to calorie ratio (no "empty calories"), and 2) an absence of toxicity.

These are almost the same thing, as the presence of toxicity degrades the nutrient to calorie ratio.

What are good foods? Whole, fresh, ripe, raw, and organic, in no particular order of priority...we look for foods that combine all of these qualities in the highest way available. Wilted organic lettuce is not better than crisp and juicy conventional lettuce, etc.

Good food begets high energy, health, and happiness. Foreign substances we are not biologically adapted to are by definition toxic because at the very least they displace nutrient rich whole foods.

If we can't kick the toxic addictions of crap foods, the pharmaceuticals dispensed from the entities that control the world to an ever greater degree may be the only option. But obviously, relative to health, disease is the worst option.sor Robert Clancy. Every time I learn so much. Robert is a consultant physician and pioneering immunologist, professor of medicine, emeritus professor of pathology, doctor of medicine, doctor of philosophy and doctor of science, author, teacher and broadcaster. Also holder of the Order of Austr

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