Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Reanalysis of mRNA trial data

There is this idea out there that we humans cannot attain optimal health without the induction of foreign chemical substances into our bodies, thus, if true, all humans should be "saved" by modern pharmacology.

But it is not true, in fact for people that are healthy the reverse is true.

The most critical aspect for achieving optimal health is the quality of the substances that go into our bodies. In basic terms these provide the fuel for "driving" the body, and the nutrient materials for repairing and rebuilding the body. To provide these operations with efficiency the nutrient to calorie ratio will be high, and coming from whole foods.

Once that condition is met the second most critical aspect for achieving optimal health is regular strenuous movement of our bodies.

Sleep is important too! But you may imagine a person who consumes a quality high nutrient to calorie ratio and strenuously moves their body with regularity will tend to also sleep like a baby.

A major advantage of this lifestyle is a very robust immune system. Combined with a little common sense one is unlikely to succumb to viral diseases.

These are not the messages we get however. Why? To start there is no profit in it. Countering the no profit "problem" would be the significant advantage of a very robust population, but as it stands recently the health of the US economy depends on the sickness of the population. Which is obviously stupid, and even crazy.

Does this have anything to do with mid and working class anger? School shootings? How long before this condition causes a collapse?

There are so many conditions currently contributing to the risk of a potential collapse of "The American Empire". It is my belief this one condition goes basically unseen, and is an extreme risk to "the body politic". The sociopolitical, sociological, and socionomic impact spreads in many directions with very deep roots.

Dr. John Campbell looks at a study that reanalyzes mRNA trial data...you may find it interesting.


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