Sunday, October 9, 2022

Vaccine RNA in breast milk, and iatrogenesis

Dr. John Campbell discusses the first study looking for evidence of vaccine RNA in breastfeeding women (link below).

Reading through the comments below Dr Campbell's presentation reinforces the notion we are living through one of the strangest episodes in modern history. 

We live on the one planet we are aware of that spontaneously generates biology, which if not the definition of miracle, nothing is. And yet here we are, the single animal expression of biology that invents technology, which has enriched our lives while systemically destroying the biological foundation we spring from and live upon.

We are collectively now aware of the predicament we have brought upon ourselves with technology...and what do we do as a result? Double down. Should we begin to approach the potential for biological destructivity with greater caution? Sooner than too late?

The myth we humans entertain which seems to be the most biologically destructive is that we will at some point in the not too distant (ever receding) future capture infinite intelligence through the agency of technology.

Meanwhile, in the the last few decades we have entered the age of iatrogenesis: 

"relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment".

Which seems to imply we, as a species, have yet to mature beyond adolescent like self-destructivity.

And we are growing evermore aware of iatrogenesis, as evidenced in the comments below Dr. Campbell's presentation, and even in research published within the purview of the same medical establishment cramming iatrogenesis down our throats, at the link below:

Iatrogenesis: A review on nature, extent, and distribution of healthcare hazards

And a quick "by the way" reminder, the third leading cause of premature death in the US is categorized as "medical mistakes". From a cause of health perspective relatively free of pharmacology iatrogenesis is easily the lead cause of premature death, a point we are on the whole still far from apprehending.

It all comes down to a mind-bendingly simple mistake: we have as yet failed to understand and implement the benefits of "cause of health" measures in our societies and individual lives. Instead we chase the huge profits generated by "health care", which delivers us into a paradox of vested interest in the destruction of health: big food that makes us sick, and big pharma that attempts to fix the effects of one toxin by putting another on top. How does that make even minimal sense?

 But we do know (don't we?) that health is our most fundamental resource for good lives and societies.

In order to break out of this box of our own making we will have to collectively understand and manage the self destructive potential of our intrinsic instincts of fear and greed, which is admittedly easier said than done. Is it a task beyond the range of human capacity?

Here is Dr. Campbell's review of the discovery of vaccine RNA in breastmilk. And do please also review the comments below the video.

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