Friday, February 25, 2022

If a Monkey Horded Bananas

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Jane Goodall observed that a single adult male chimp could eat fifty lbs of bananas in one sitting, but only when provided an unlimited source by humans. In nature chimp tribes share the fruit of the day, and of course no individual eats anything close to 50 lbs of anything in a single sitting.

However many species will consume an overabundance of "species specific resources" until depleted (plague of locusts). During the consumption phase the population of that species increases exponentially. During the depletion phase the population of that species experiences an exponential collapse to the approximate level at the beginning of the overabundance period. And in some cases the species will experience extinction.

Are we an earth bound species? Or spacemen who can do anything, immune to the laws of nature?

Modern chimps have been around for longer than modern humans, approximately 1 million years compared to 300,000 for Homo sapiens.

Now here's the BIG QUESTION: how the heck did the chimps survive for a million years WITHOUT the miracles of BigP? It's unimaginable, right? For that matter how is it ANY SPECIES survived without the miracles of BigP?

For that matter, how did BIOLOGY ITSELF get here? How the heck did anything get here? What's that you say...we don't know? Oh! The bald-faced cheek! Better be careful, with comments like that you may have to go to "re-education camp" for a while.

But don't worry, you'll be fed a diet of supplements and the BigP *Big-Five*, and given a sufficient mix of psyllium husk and vegetable oils to insure alimentary tract function and calories for energy. But NO SUGAR! Stevia only. See? We do care about you!

Come to think of it why isn't the entire population on that diet? It would be so...much...cleaner. Wait, what? Not enough profit in that diet?

Back to MickyD with you! There is a bustling MickyD outside the gates of every re-education camp, you can hit it first thing upon your "graduation".


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