Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr John Campbell - Fact Checked (again) by the BBC - Hilarious!

Dr John Campbell is one of the more honest and expert brokers of legit scientific info we laypeople have access to. Why does the BBC (originator of "The Trusted News Initiative") continue to say utterly ridiculous things about him? Humm... maybe it's because they realize the majority of people will not actually listen to him, and judge for themselves. We may have reached the absolute nadir in critical thinking in the developed west! "Pulling the wool" has never been easier.

If you'd like a good laugh, you'll enjoy this one:


  1. He is clearly demonstrating he is unqualified to comment and is promoting false information and conspiracy theories. Not liking the BBC is a separate issue.

    He makes misleading titles, misleading conclusions, misinterprets research, hints as conspiracies and cover ups, avoids commenting on research that demonstrates he is wrong. He quotes papers that are either unpublished, too small, non peer reviewed, self published and in some cases farcical.
    He is lost on his own hubris and thinks being interviewed by Russel Brand is some kind of validation when he is exposed - again - for not knowing what he is talking about.

    Sadly most people commenting on how good he is clearly have less idea than he does

  2. This is incorrect. Check the truth
