Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Suppression of Early Treatment is Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral

I'm going to begin this blog with a short video clip titled The Suppression of Early Treatment is Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral, and then dig into how this sort of activity occurred to begin with. Here's the clip, it's three minutes long:


The domination of medicine by big pharma is one thing. We've had that for decades already, and it's become obvious to those of us who are paying attention to health from a "cause of health perspective", as opposed to the cause of disease perspective which has been the basis for all protocols in standard of care medicine. Standard of care in medicine refers to protocols that are legally sanctioned.

Doctors haven't been telling us how to get well for decades, they've been giving us medications that only, in their words, "manage a disease you'll have the rest of your life". Meanwhile pharmacological interventions are a net negative in two ways: they attempt to manage symptoms at the expense of overall health - directly because side effects are a net negative on health, and indirectly because the cause of health is created primarily by a non-toxic and highly nutritious diet.

Other factors (physical activity) are important too of course...but guess what, no one feels like exercising to substantially beneficial degree when overweight and under the weather. The approach that really works to create the cause of health is to FIRST lose the weight (and other symptoms of chronic disease) so that we feel energetic again. THEN we want to move our bodies with vigor "automagically". Except it's not magic, it's biology. Well, maybe the regenerative potential of biology is magic. We can talk about it all we want, but when you experience it for yourself you will say "damn, why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

Well people are telling you. But people are not the final authority - even if they are (the few) MD's who promote "the cause of health diet". I hate to break it to you...big pharma is not really interested in health and healing. It's interest is in the creation of customers for life by banishing "cause of health" conversations from "trusted" public discourse. Now that is a way to build a business! We can't fault big pharma for their business practices from a purely economic perspective. But what if those practices are also illegal, unethical, and immoral? What do we do then? The problem is big pharma has become so economically successful they control more than the standard of care. They also control politics.

We may have been shocked at how long it's been taking to reign in the opioid epidemic which began in the 1990's.

I'm going to quote a line from a paper titled "Drug Companies’ Liability for the Opioid Epidemic" published in the New England Journal of Medicine and can be read at this link


"As with other prescription drugs, it is challenging to persuade a jury that an opioid is defectively designed if the Food and Drug Administration approved it."

And here is a 60 minute piece titled "Did the FDA Ignite the Opioid Crisis?"


It would seem then government is loath to effectively regulate any industry generating big revenues that contribute to GDP (gross domestic product), and line the pockets of all who ride that gravy train.

BTW gravy, which is heated animal fat (the most biologically destructive kind of fat) mixed with refined white flour (also biologically destructive), is toxic.

What isn't toxic? Minimally processed WHOLE foods, mostly plants (as a total percent of calories consumed), with a high proportion of those calories uncooked.

What is toxic? Thinking that supplements and pharmacological prescriptions will "save us" from a toxic diet.

How do we recognize a cause of health diet? Do you still have symptoms of ill health? (The answer is to eat mostly fruits and vegetables.)

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