Friday, June 18, 2021

Wuhan lab leak theory seems to be growing legs - NPR and Jon Stewart

We can imagine why there may be tremendous resistance to this story. For starters the idea that a scientific accident was the cause of the pandemic damages the pristine perspective many have on science as an unassailable source of truth and progress. And then there's the question what do we do if we find increasing evidence that the pandemic was caused by a scientific accident? And that is a double edged sword question: first is the incredibly complex and potentially dangerous political relationship the west has with China relative to it's increasingly aggressive behaviors. And second do we lose some of the faith we put in the scientific process? Both of these are exceedingly difficult questions to face...we'd much rather they just go away, thank you very much.

First up is an NPR Terry Gross interview with an investigative journalist who has done a deep dive on the question. It's long but thorough and relevant to those curious about the question. This link is to the aired audio interview, and a transcription of the interview:

And for a little levity on this uncomfortable question we have the initable Jon Stewart in a recent guest appearance on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

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