Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jordan Peterson - "I really hope there's something wrong with me"

Have you run across Jordan Peterson yet? He's a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology turned philosopher who is rocking the boat recently by fighting the recent tide of anti-free speech sentiment coming from the radical left. When legislation was passed in Canada recently compelling a particular use of speech, he took a stand and caught all kinds of flack for being anti-gay and transphobic. Well if you listen carefully to what he says on this topic it's quite clear he is neither, but we love our sound bytes these days.

He in fact is making the (potentially very important) overarching point that radical left ideology (Stalin, Mao Zedong) was the cause of more deaths by genocide in the 20th century than were caused by the radical right (Hitler).

But no, he is not on the radical right either. He is firmly in the camp that used to be called "classic liberal".

He also has a lot to say about psychology (how bout that:), which the title of this post refers to in a brief youtube where he unpacks the paradox "I really hope there's something wrong with me".

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