Friday, August 24, 2018

Have Some Graham with your McDougall, Fuhrman, Barnard

It is my considered opinion that those of us lucky enough to have found our way to an SOS free (sugar, oil, salt) Whole Food Plant Based diet are missing the best source of nutrition available by not incorporating Dr. Doug Graham's perspective into the mix. After all, you're already doing an 80/10/10 calonutrient ratio and therefore have no need to fear insulin resistance (the sole reason for the "consume fruit with moderation" meme).

You may recall Dr. Graham is a raw food vegan, and also SOS free. His basic approach is to have a large fruit meal for a midday "break fast", and a large raw vegetable meal for dinner, with a handful of nuts/seeds daily.

Drs. McDougall, Fuhrman, Barnard have no restriction on cooked vegetables, including potatoes and legumes. They also have no particular restrictions on fruit, but one gets the impression neither do they take full advantage of it's rich nutritional benefit, not to mention the much more pleasurable diet in the bargain.

And the blend of Graham and McDougall et al makes moving through rocky western societies considerably easier. One learns over time how to do "well enough" being "flexitarian".

If you are SOS free WFPB already do not fear the fruit!

And in honor of the ongoing Woodstock Fruit Festival going on this week you may find this entertaining:

1 comment:

  1. Why aren;t you there? I love the term flexitarian! thx for the blog... K
