Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Energy is the Root of all Happy Successness

Just think for a moment when we are least's when we are depressed. We all experience depression at some point, so we all have first hand experience of the energy - mood relationship.

Energy starts with fuel. Gas = forward motion. Bad gas = no motion.

Our native foods are whole foods only. In terms of total bulk for the average pre-industrial human the diet was plants, animals, insects, in that order.

We call cake a carb when it has more energy from fat. We call ice cream a fat when it has more energy from sugar.

Ice cream and cake, the celebration food for our children on their birthdays. Bad gas, no pun intended. And collectively, sociatially, we have yet to make the connection between junk foods for children and the rapidly increasing incidence in children of obesity, diabetes and the number of children's cancer hospitals.

At some point in the future, if we humans are lucky enough to continue evolving, we will consider feeding junk to children child abuse.

Processed junk has become so interwoven with consciousness we are totally confused what food is.

Michael Pollan said it most food (he means whole foods), mostly plants, not too much.

And I will add: a high-carb low-fat 80/10/10 diet means there is no such thing as "too much". A pleasantly full stomach is "just the right amount" for calories and nutrition. And it also "just happens" to be the disease reversal diet. Are these two things coincidence? I think not. I think they are correlated.

And it shows that nature does make sense, after all. Who knew? Not modern nutrition science! (Using the term "science" very loosely.)

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