Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Are we humans not as smart as we think we are?

A brief comment on this potential problem for us to ponder:

Humans being not as smart as we think we are is a huge issue.

Look, we are not trans-biological, we are an animal species with a certain brain size, and a corresponding limited intelligence. I would guess the smartest among us have an outstanding capacity to see this.

The "limitless capacity" optimists are in fact, and unconsciously, quite hubristic, and consequently, destructive. A primary consequence of this in the recent history of Sapiens is an incapacity to see the destructive aspects of industrialism and technology until we are well past the "oops" point.

Those too hubristic to see this can be quite dangerous. It's a form of narcissism that breeds all sorts of destructivity.

It is well to remember that technology will always be a double edged blade. The hope that we will solve the destructive aspects of previous technologies with "newer and better" technologies can only take us further from our biological (and healthy) foundation.

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