Monday, February 19, 2024

A thought experiment to help us know the difference between food and toxic substances

And it's pretty simple. Ask yourself "can I make a meal of this one thing"?

How would drinking a glass of deep fry grease make you feel? Your body would involuntarily vomit before you could down half of it.

This sort of thought experiment helps to identify toxic substances sneaking into our diets. We can tolerate the grease in a serving of french fries, but it is still toxic, and while it doesn't kill us immediately it does profoundly damage our health and vitality in subtle increments that go mostly unnoticed. 

Until they don't.

What about common table salt? The lethal dose in children is 4-5 teaspoons, and highly toxic to adults, whereas the sodium needs of humans are completely met by eating a balanced diet of whole plant foods.

A variation on the thought experiment: "could a child make a meal of that one thing"?

Food is the single substance "thing" we can make an entire meal of, with no discomfort. The size of a meal varies quite a bit person to person for a number of reasons, let's say for the purpose of discussion it's 1000 calories for an average adult.

Could you sit down to a meal of only table sugar? 1000 calories of table sugar is 60 teaspoons. Yep, involuntary  regurgitation, again.

You get the point. 

In addition we have just covered the reason an "SOS free" whole food diet translates to sugar, oil, and salt FREE. Yep, it's a thing.

When the opportunity to consume a non-toxic diet is as simple as the inclusion of only delicious non-toxic natural foods, why wouldn't we do it? 

Hunter gatherers did it because they had no choice. We can do it too, but for us it is a choice. The reasons we don't are primarily lack of awareness, and the greedy bastards who are taking advantage of our instinct structure by creating hyper-palatable substances and selling them cheap.

Calories are scarce in nature, which creates the condition of survival of the fittest, the instinct structure that still lives within us. When the "calories are scarce" instinct is presented with hyper-palatable food-like toxic substances, we are unconsciously driven to consume them. The "awareness" part referenced previously is primarily simply knowing this one thing.

There's a great book that covers this health destroying modern problem in greater detail titled "The Pleasure Trap". It's a vegan perspective, but the principles apply to any dietary perspective.

It's all about our health. What is it? In a word, vitality. It occurs simultaneously with a good mood and feeling energetic. It manifests as the ability to move the body with high levels of vigor, relative to age. For example, the potential to move the body at athletic levels relative to age continues to about the age of 80 in healthy and vital populations. There are even people in an outlier population running marathons at 90 and above. On the other hand healthy and vital to athletic levels at 80 is potentially achievable for most humans. 

What percent of modern US citizens achieve these levels of vitality into age 80 and above?

Help! I've fallen into the pleasure trap and I can't get out!

Yes you can... are you going to let the greedy billionaire bastards continue to get richer by preying on the unconscious instinct structure of humans, in the process destroying your nature given ability to be healthy happy and strong?

It is no exaggeration to say a great darkness has fallen across the land. Dispel it with the light of your own vitality!

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