Saturday, February 24, 2024

A certain perspective on whole foods vs processed foods

I'd like to suggest a certain perspective when thinking about whole foods. It's helpful to folks who are learning the importance of whole food nutrition to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad carbohydrates, because carbs are frequently spoken of as if they are only bad.

This is the fault of the greedy bastards who want to keep us confused about nutrition so that they can continue to take advantage of us, and keep selling us crap, so that BigP can also continue taking advantage of us by putting us on drugs that make us worse not better. And then of course prescribe another drug (or two) for that.

Whole food carbs (fruits and vegetables) are of course good, and delicious.

Fresh whole apples are of course good, a baked apple pie with refined sugar, refined fat, and refined flour is in fact unhealthy, being toxic, addictive, and if those two are not bad enough, also full of empty calories.

We need only so many calories, don't waste the chance of getting them in their most potent form by eating only whole fresh foods.

We have this idea our grandparents ate healthy and were healthy. Compared to current generations there's a grain of truth there. But one of my grandmothers (who I loved dearly) was a great cook, but overweight, and also smoked and drank. This was not unusual in those days, the 1950's. It is still not unusual, but compounded now by fast foods which are also toxic.

Whole food carbs are naturally delicious and full of micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals).

To take it a step further, it is actually incorrect to call processed foods carbohydrates at all, they are more accurately called toxic food-like substances. Perhaps that's belaboring the point, but it is at least instructive.

None of the three macro nutrients carbs, fats, and proteins, in whole food form and essential to health, should be lumped in with junk food. It is fact an incorrect use of the term carbohydrates to say "bad carbs", or fats to say "bad fats".

The three macro nutrients are all essential and necessary for health. The more accurate term for the refined versions is "toxic food like substances".

We are healthiest when we consume 100% of our calories nested in whole food form.

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