Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How did "carb" become a bad word?

I'm not sure how carbs got turned into a bad word, now I'm curious. Logic tells us this much, it couldn't have happened before the advent of processed junk food, because the only carbs back then were good for us.

From the beginning of humans, right up to the industrial revolution, 80% (or more) of the food most humans ate were "good" carbs. It's our native diet, it's highly doubtful we'd be here at all today if it weren't for carbs.

But now the only plants most people eat (standard diet) are refined processed junk that makes us fat sick and tired.

So I guess that's how it happened.

Hey I have a good idea. Let's remember whole plant foods are the best foods we can eat, and refined processed junk is not food at all. And instead of calling it "carbs" let's just call it junk.

Real carbs are a beautiful thing.

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