Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Emotional Health - Balancing the Negative

All of us animals have a tendency to give more weight to negatives, it has to do with survival. We have to be extra cautious about the things that might hurt or "kill" us if we want to survive. And we do, we can't help it, it's just what we do. So we are wired to be extra cautious about those things that might harm us, it's our most basic instinct.

The positives on the other hand don't require that extra "monitoring" layer of vigilance. These are the "good foods" we know will keep us alive and strong, so we consume them and keep moving, but keeping that watchful eye out for potential negatives.

We're just wired that way, all animal life forms are, we "higher level" humans are no different in the regard of basic survival instinct. The reason for this sort of "wiring" is pretty simple - it only takes one thing to kill us, that one thing that can end the entire show. Whereas the positives, the things we need every day to continue, "the good foods", do not require that extra level of vigilance because we know they won't kill us. We only die once, and we are wired for survival. Without that wiring we would probably not last too long, so there is a major benefit to it.

The problem is, as a result of giving negatives "extra weight" for survival, they tend to be "sticky", and can form loops of counter productive worry and fear. "Worry loops" can block our view of the sun, and that is also necessary for survival. Without it's warmth, in just the right amount, Earth would just be another inorganic rock. (Watch the BBC documentary series Planet Earth II on Netflix.)

So for efficient functioning we need the balance of healthy caution and the ability to enjoy the life affirming sun. Sticky worry/fear loops can throw that efficient functioning balance off. What can we do to regain it?

First, we can remember that balance is not a static function, it's a motional one. We're in balance, out of balance, and rebalancing, always. 

And there are many things we can do to rebalance, and we all know what they are, here's some reminders. Remember the people and things that give our life meaning, and be grateful for them. Quiet your mind, sit with eyes closed and just breathe. Commune with your spirit, infinite spirit, whatever that is for you. Get out doors, breathe the fresh air and enjoy the sun. (Did you know outdoor air is healthier than indoor air?) Be active, move your body, especially outdoors when possible. Be social, love the people you love and are grateful for. Find and pursue your passions, do the things that bring you joy and bring meaning into your life. Eat your greens! Eat your fruit! Get your nutrition and sustenance from whole plant foods.

All these things can balance sticky worry loops, and keep us functional, efficient, and best of all, happy. All we need to do is remember to do them!

Me too :)

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