Tuesday, January 9, 2018

There's a major clue bus coming our way

Another family physician, Dr Ronald Weiss of New Jersey, who recently began treating and healing patients with the whole food plant based diet (the disease reversal diet), is raising his voice to a wider audience. The truth will out!

There's a major clue bus coming our way: the disease reversal diet is very very close to the optimal diet for humans. It is so close as to be almost completely indistinguishable. Many doctors and dietitians prescribing it to their patients (with incredible success) will say it IS the same diet exactly. But how can it work? There are no drugs or medications, or even alternative medical tinctures, potions, or supplements. How is that possible?

And the clue bus is: the body heals itself...all we have to do is get out of it's way! Getting out of it's way means a couple of things, first, stop putting toxic substances in our mouths and swallowing them! These substances do not produce the efficient energy the body needs to heal itself. Why? Because they do not contain high levels of that vital substance called "food value", and instead bog an already energy depleted body down further with difficult substances that the body will work to remove, without sufficient energy to do that.

And so they stay in the body, and build up over time, and sooner or later generate disease conditions.

The second thing "getting out of its way" means is to consume primarily only the foods that do two things: 1) produce efficient energy by not loading the body down excessively with the parallel jobs of converting food to energy, and detoxification, and 2) provide correct levels of the micronutrients we need for the body to operate optimally over the long haul.

A medical model that does not recognize the primary role of proper diet, and instead relies on pharmacology, or alternative tinctures, herbs and supplements, is an approach that believes in and relies on "magic bullets".  But there are no magic bullets because "the body heals itself" when we "just get out of it's way" by discontinuing the ingestion of "difficult" substances that provide little to no energy, and further load the (already energy deprived) body down with extra work. The "magic bullets" of pharmacology and alternative medicine, to the extent they are not "food" (most of them are not even close to food), bog the body down further.

Say to yourself a few times "the body heals itself". See how good that feels?

The "proof of concept" is how efficiently and rapidly the body heals once we go to a whole foods plant based diet, and let go of the (yes, sometimes stubborn) wishful belief in magic bullets.

And there is another proof of concept I hesitate to mention because many will find the idea strange, but the logical import is significant, so I will. The body heals the most rapidly under the conditions of a water only fast. This indicates it is not the substances we ingest that heal us, but rather the internal processes of the body alone that do the work: as the energy normally diverted to digestion, assimilation, and elimination is redirected to the reconstructive processes better known as "healing", speed of healing increases, typically rather dramatically.

So Listen! If you think you're ready for an approach to health that "just works" consider the whole foods plant based diet. Your body will thank you!

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