Friday, June 8, 2018

NORI Protocol - A Real Cure for Cancer?

You may be aware of the idea of "starving" cancer cells of sugar as a way to fight cancer. It makes sense on one level, when we attach a radioactive trace to sugar and then watch where it goes in the body of a cancer patient, most of it goes to the tumor. But unless one is on a very low carb diet (ketogenic diet) sugar (blood glucose) "fuels" every cell in the body, and since cancer cells are replicating many times faster than healthy cells, more fuel is taken up by cancer cells.

So if the idea behind ketogenic diets as a cancer treatment is simply that glucose is the primary fuel for cancer, the fact glucose is also the primary fuel for healthy cells is not factored into the equation.

Another idea that "starves" cancer cells of an essential component for growth has come to the fore, and it seems more promising. Instead of depriving cancer cells of fuel, it deprives them of "building blocks", which turns out to be a particular amino acid called methionine. Studies have shown this to be a very effective approach
but unfortunately this researcher was unable to get additional funding to continue. However research along similar lines continues in other parts of the world, which is encouraging.[]=11626&path[]=36813

In this country an intelligent individual has pieced together the puzzle pieces and developed a cancer treatment named the NORI Protocol (Nutritional Oncology Research Institute). It turns out fruits and certain vegetables are very low in methionine, which may go some way to explaining why there have been so many anecdotal cases over the years of cancer reversals using "raw food" diets, and juicing, etc.

The NORI Protocol however takes advantage of the recent research and has developed a targeted approach that appears to be very effective. Here is a blog post by NORI's founder, Mark Simon.

If you find this interesting I encourage you to explore the rest of the material on the NORI web site.

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