Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Why didn't anyone tell me this, pt 2

In the previous post video Cyrus and Robbie say they can demonstrate over and over that a whole food plant based diet reverses diabetes quickly and efficiently. They also feel this diet is the healthiest long term diet possible for humans, and is essentially the same diet detailed in the book "The Blue Zones of Happiness: Lessons From the World's Happiest People"

But if this is true, and it becomes clear and obvious when applied by real people, why haven't we heard more about this so-called science? Where is it?

The science is there, and voluminous. What we tend to hear about and see however is "conflict science" (like conflict diamonds), which is what makes it into popular media reports.

Can we just call a spade a spade, and say "big science" (fueled by the big money of big ag, big pharma, big food, big health care, and big insurance) has worked tirelessly to obscure the authentic science on the pivotally critical role of diet in health?

Authentic science also shows funding for studies heavily influences conclusions. And this problem is compounded by our culturally induced eagerness to believe the best about our bad habits.

What's a person to do? Well, perhaps begin by taking "the latest science" with a grain of salt. And then, if so motivated, look for what works, and then compare how well it works relative to other approaches that produce better health.

Robbie and Cyrus have put together a plant based health education initiative called "Mastering Diabetes" which is currently presenting an excellent online "symposium" featuring some of the best thought leaders, scientists, doctors and medical professionals in the plant based health movement, free to watch for another several days as of this writing 3/30/18 (and after which it goes behind a paywall), and well worth the investment of time!

I just watched the David Katz MD presentation, which I recommend very highly. The work Dr Katz is doing gives me hope we may be closer to "universal" reversal of the chronic disease epidemic than I thought.

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