Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bullet Points

an email to a friend who was asking if "breaking down cell walls" with a blender is "good":

if a little bit of something is good is a lot more better?

we could go on a diet of all necessary supplements, and refined fiber (psyllium husk) for bulk, and refined calories (oil or sugar) for energy
we could call it the science diet
and it wouldn't work.

we humans have a very hard time thinking we really can't improve on biology, and the foods we are adapted to by evolution

and to confound that impulse the path back to that "model" has been completely obscured by wishful thinking (we can improve on nature)

and marketing bullshot (to profit on wishful thinking)

primary sources of confusion about health and nutrition
1) wishful thinking
2) "junk" science (which is pretty much all we are exposed to through media)
3) absolutely no profit to be made on the nature model

i watched a ted talk recently by a nobel physicist (can remember name at the moment) who was speaking on good vs junk science. he used nutrition studies as the best example of junk science "you can get any result you want"

however...a paradigm shift in consciousness of health is underway, with focus on "cause of health" as opposed to "prevention of disease".

the disease reversal diet is very close to the nature model. there is much greater consensus as to what it is than you'd think, and most folks still have heard nothing about it.

the difference between it and "juice fasting" or any of the many other methods of disease reversal that have emerged over time is that it's sustainable.

it provides sufficient nutrition + sufficient pleasure - toxins  =  sustainability.

the end of the search for answers about health is at hand.

sounds simple cause it is.

it's the way pre-industrial humans  >living in conducive conditions<  ate. i have living in conducive conditions in brackets because it's important. the disease reversal diet is not what humans living in hostile conditions and barely hanging to life ate. it's the natural (instinctive) diet humans ate who lived in conducive conditions.

how do we know this?
1) read The Blue Zones and/or Healthy at 100.
2) study the work of the increasing numbers of docs reversing the diseases western medicine has no clue about (auto-immune, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure etc). look at their success rates! compare that to any other modality. They all use a very similar model. reversal rates with "incurable conditions" is near 100%.

what is that model?
1) whole plant foods, exclusively or nearly exclusively.
2) off all meds as quickly as possible, they are actually damaging to health
3) no "shotgun" or megadose supplements, potentially damaging to health, minimal supplementation may be needed case by case.
4) no fruit juice
5) caution on juicing and blending in general
6) eat whole fruits and veggies "ad libitum" (as much as you want)
7) add nuts and seeds and other fatty foods in moderation
8) clean air and water
9) "whole body" activity at least 3-4 times a week (use it or lose it)
10) find and pursue your interests (follow your bliss)
11) social activity (love the ones you're with)
12) relaxation activity (meditation)

and last but not least - sufficient sleep! insufficient sleep is one of the fastest ways to destroy health.

Circadian Rhythm

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