I suffered a relatively minor injury with the first mRNA dose, and I've also understood for some time that most people do not take a statistical perspective on relative dangers. So then, how statistically likely was it that it was only I, out of millions, who was injured? I decided immediately not to get the second jab, and the confirmation was my GP who was an older guy with some mileage on his career who leaned in and said quietly I might want to consider not getting the second dose.
Yep something was fishy. Then there was TV. I don't usually watch it, but wanted to see what was being said, and it was shocking....the hysterical tone was off the charts. And I had already been following doctors for years whose careers were healing people of the too common chronic diseases by getting them off pharma meds and onto health inducing foods and lifestyle choices.
So the truth will out, but it will take time.
This post is about a hedge fund statistician who had healed his own chronic condition with diet lifestyle a decade or so earlier, and knew from that personal experience that pharmaceuticals are mostly ineffective and dangerous. He began doing research in a team of a few others, and here he presents what they learned. If you would like an earlier view of the truth coming out this interview of the brilliant Ed Dowd speaking about his findings will take you there.
Interviewed by a well known Scottish blogger, Neil Oliver:
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