Saturday, November 30, 2024

The truth will out - a double header post

There were basically three disastrous ways the pandemic was handled, forced mandates, censorship, and lockdown. Between Bhattacharya and Dowd we get an abbreviated overview.


Friday, November 29, 2024

They've created a monster!!!! (the truth will out)

I suffered a relatively minor injury with the first mRNA dose, and I've also understood for some time that most people do not take a statistical perspective on relative dangers. So then, how statistically likely was it that it was only I, out of millions, who was injured? I decided immediately not to get the second jab, and the confirmation was my GP who was an older guy with some mileage on his career who leaned in and said quietly I might want to consider not getting the second dose.

Yep something was fishy. Then there was TV. I don't usually watch it, but wanted to see what was being said, and it was shocking....the hysterical tone was off the charts. And I had already been following doctors for years whose careers were healing people of the too common chronic diseases by getting them off pharma meds and onto health inducing foods and lifestyle choices.

So the truth will out, but it will take time. 

This post is about a hedge fund statistician who had healed his own chronic condition with diet lifestyle a decade or so earlier, and knew from that personal experience that pharmaceuticals are mostly ineffective and dangerous. He began doing research in a team of a few others, and here he presents what they learned. If you would like an earlier view of the truth coming out this interview of the brilliant Ed Dowd speaking about his findings will take you there.

Interviewed by a well known  Scottish blogger, Neil Oliver:

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Why was the mRNA product such a health disaster?

Dr Clancy explains:


Dr. Suneel Dhand celebrates the possibility for sanity to return to a health care system dominated by the power mad greedy and corrupt pharma industry and the World Health Organization. Greed is incredibly bias inducing, so yes, by and large the pharma industry apparently believes it is doing the right things for the health of the population, in spite of the obvious: the more pharma products taken the sicker the population becomes.

And if you've watched Dr Dhand above, you know his fantastic news is Dr Jay Bhattacharya being selected by Trump to be the next head of the NIH. If you're not all that familiar with Dr Bhattacharya you can get an accurate impression watching the video below.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Kick that shit to the curb

Diabetes is the number one health problem in the US, the least healthy population in the developed world. That is the definition of crazy. Don't get me started on why the US population is so misinformed on metabolic health, but I will say just one thing on that topic then on to solutions:  Misinformation (and lack of correct information) is the biggest source of revenue for the good ole US of A. We have gotten ourselves into this crazy place where the government gets most of its revenue by making and keeping its citizens sick. Big pharma puts one trillion a year into government coffers, most of it coming from lifelong prescriptions. Add big food revenues to that and you have the answer to all the revenue problems the fat and sick US govt has to contend with.

We are stuck, as a country, in a metabolic health jam we can't get out of easily. A country that depends on a sick population for economic health? How long can that go on before the empire collapses?

Government should teach the true cause of metabolic health in school. It wouldn't cost much, but they cannot afford a healthy population.

I think a look at the Fuhrman's program is a good idea, he's a good jew, was a member of the US Figure Skating Team and placed second in the US National Pairs Championship in 1973. Then he became an MD who was focused on helping people understand why they are getting sick from their diet. I promise you this: if you understand his program and follow it you will kick prediabetes to the weeds in a short time. But he is not alone, there are dozens of MDs who all advocate the same basic program, and write books about understanding it and how to do it. Fuhrman has written a lot of books:

He runs a retreat program in Cali that teaches this, but it ain't cheap.

Anyway...yes, whole wheat pasta is not the problem. It's "close enough" to a whole food to fit into a healthy diet. To understand metabolic health you have to understand the importance of whole foods, and macros, and most importantly the ratio of fats to carbohydrates. If someone is basically on a whole food plant based diet and they want to be metabolically healthy they will keep the ratio of fats to carbohydrates on the low side. That means calories coming from animal products will be on the low side. 

Animal products being all protein is one of the misinformation pieces that gets us in trouble...these calories are mostly coming from fat. I am not saying animal products are not high in protein, they are, but they still have more calories coming from fat than protein. One you get that piece you are on the way. And this is the reason understanding the macro ratios is key also.

The bad american diet is a mess of problems, the idea you need to eat animal products to get protein is one of them. The other problems have mostly to do with the fact we do not eat a whole food diet, and eating concentrated calories with no vitamins and minerals is part of the disaster that is the american diet. Most of those empty calories come from refined fat (vegetable oils) and refined carbs (pure sugars).

Basically if all you did is eat whole foods, no empty calories at all, you are pretty much there. That part is simple to understand but hard to do because we are addicted to hyper-palatable toxic substances disguised as foods.

What is dessert? Basically, pure fats and pure sugars combined. Think about this - fats do not have much flavor on their own. They have to be mixed with other flavors, or caramelized by cooking at high heat, to taste like something. So why are pure fats in desserts? The combo is addicting. Why? This is a significant part of the puzzle: we have the instincts of early humans, we are programmed to seek calories, which were rare in nature back then, and pure fats and sugars (no vitamins and minerals) triggers that instinct more than anything else. We cannot resist hyper-palatability easily. 

In prehistoric days that instinct worked just fine...THERE WERE NO EMPTY CALORIE FOODS BACK THEN. Today, without understanding why we are irresistibly attracted to hyper-palatability we are fucked. One you understand it you can manage it. Otherwise you are a victim of the food industry that does not care if you get sick, as long as they make their billions. And BigP, their partner in crime. And it is literally a crime against humanity.

Dessert is not a treat! It is a poison that causes poor metabolic health, usually manifesting as diabetes. 

Kick that shit to the curb.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Cancer cure experiences

It's been known for some time that people who lead robustly healthy lives are much less likely to come down with cancer than couch potatoes snacking on hyper palatable ultra processed food like substances most grocery stores make the majority of their profit on.

There have also been countless cases of terminal cancer diagnoses that were reversed with alternative approaches. When oncologists have patients who've been given a terminal diagnosis recover anyway, the recoveries are dismissed as "spontaneous remissions".

Dr John Campbell who remains right in the thick of it is discussing the many recoveries from advanced cancers that have been reported to him. It's an interesting listen.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Beyond blame with Dr Tim Kelly

From my perspective this conversation based on an essay by Dr. Tim Kelly, an unusual blend of systems analyst and practicing medical doctor, is a fair and honest perspective on what I continue to think of as the GMO "vaccine" debacle.

It can be difficult to reframe aspects of our thinking that are basically mythological mixed with some aspects of reality, which is basically what mythology is, and to be fair is inescapable. But the attempt will be necessary to apprehend and contextualize the social manipulation spawned by the pandemic period.

Consider, if there was an overt and covert agenda of control of the population, we know we humans have rational thinking, but we seem to forget we also have the same instincts of all animals, a survival instinct (eat or be eaten) that exists on a mostly unconscious level, and so easily rationalized away.

A case can be made in fact that we are "driven" more by survival instinct than by rational thinking, and a significant part of human "maturity" is to understand the dynamic interplay of these two forces. Both drive instinct and reason are critical components of the whole, and we can't just be one or the other, no matter how much we would like it to be the case. Integration is key to functional perspective.

See if you agree this conversation and essay go some distance toward a cogent and rational framing of this period, which continues to be propagated forward by conventional pharmacological perspectives on health and how health is best achieved.

The essay

The conversation

Friday, November 15, 2024

RFK Jr, we salute you

In a blog named Courageous Discourse that Dr Peter McCullough is involved with, here is the salute to RFK:

And if Dr McCullough is not a prime example of courageous I'm not sure who is. Of course he was aware of Big P's extreme level of corruption, but in spite of it was still surprised at their totalitarian moves during the pandemic. Many individual MDs who knew early treatment was the best course of action proceeded in treating patients, and some even spoke out (courageously) against that extreme level of Pharma corruption and power at the risk of their positions and livelihoods.

I for one am very happy to be politically independent in these very murky waters. I've railed against Trump's narcissism in my blog, but I will say appointing RFK Sec of Health was an encouraging move.

I will be a bit surprised if RFK actually takes office, swimming, as he is, in more toxic waters then was the Hudson River before he successfully sued the polluters.

I will also say to those who have bought the BigP narratives regarding RFK: the collective we have been brainwashed.

And the text of the Courageous Discord blog:

If RFK, Jr.’s appointment to become Secretary of Health and Human Services is confirmed by the Senate, this New Sheriff In Town will be in a position to make life uniquely uncomfortable for the legion of captured bureaucrats who infest the many agencies that will be obliged to report to him.

I worry this may be a big if, as I imagine the Vaccine Cartel is currently pulling every string, calling every favor, and even resorting to threats and blackmail in order to prevent RFK, Jr.’s confirmation. It reminds me of the treacherous adversity Cicero faced when he made the bold decision to prosecute Gaius Verres on the charge of misconduct, especially extortion, during his term as governor of Sicily (73-71 BC). Cicero was a lawyer of the equestrian class. Verres was one of the most powerful patricians in Rome with extensive connections in the Senate and every other institution, not to mention nefarious characters who could procure an assassin for him.

RFJ, Jr.s appointment to HHS Secretary may be the greatest turning of the tables story in U.S. political history, and I almost wish Anthony Fauci were still head of NIAID so that he could meet his new boss in January.

Despite suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, RFK, Jr. has proven to be one of America’s strongest voices in defending our Constitutional Republic from public health officials and politicians wielding emergency power. In rousing speeches reminiscent of his father’s famous University of Capetown address in 1966, he has articulated why we should never allow our constitution to be compromised by fallible men who promise to keep us safe.

For decades, he worked as an environmental attorney to protect the natural world from corporate industrial polluters. He has been especially troubled by the contamination of our waterways with hazardous waste, including mercury. In 2005 he became concerned about a mercury compound used as a preservative in childhood vaccines, which prompted him to conduct a thorough investigation of vaccine safety in general. He quickly realized that the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act had granted vaccine manufacturers too much immunity from civil and criminal liability for injuries or deaths caused by their products. In the absence of legal liability, the only thing that could possibly regulate their conduct was scrutiny from a public figure like him.

The vast majority of men of his social status would have concluded that taking on the Vaccine Cartel was far more daunting than David taking on Goliath, and that doing so was a surefire way to personal ruin. It took a man of RFK, Jr.s extraordinary qualities—bold, energetic, and diligent combined with a love of adventure, a streak of derring-do, and measure of devil may care—to enter the water with this leviathan.

Sure enough, his critical questioning of vaccine safety was not met with debate, but with vitriolic, ad hominem attacks and accusations of being a conspiracy theorist. Implied in these attacks is that no one should dare even question the safety of vaccines.

After being in the wilderness of media blackouts and social ostracism for decades, RFK, Jr. has, with true grit, made his way to the center stage of federal authority with a clear mandate to promote the health and well-being of the American people. In terms of a man overcoming adversity, his story is one for the ages.

Etymological roots are like the mysterious intelligence of the underground mycelium

Mycelium is a root-like structure of a fungus that is made up of a mass of thread-like hyphae. It can be found in soil, inside plants and animals, and under the reproductive structures of fungi.

Mycelium has many functions, including:
  • Breaking down organic matter
    Mycelium releases enzymes that break down organic matter into smaller parts that feed the fungi, other organisms, and their plant partners. 
  • Connecting plants
    Mycelium connects individual plants together through a network called the "mycorrhizal network". This network transfers water, carbon, nitrogen, and other minerals between plants. 
  • Producing visible structures
    Mycelium can develop into visible structures like mushrooms, puffballs, brackets, sclerotia, stinkhorns, toadstools, and truffles. 
Mycelium has many properties, including: Fire resistance, Lightweight, Strength, and Acoustic insulation.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Basically, Trump is an idiot...let me explain

One of my favorite Dostoevsky novels is "The Idiot", a story about a kind and gentle man with very high intelligence. In today's parlance he might have been thought of as aspergers, or extremely introverted, but in any case Dostoevsky's idiot was socially inept, making one social blunder after another. 

This wouldn't be Trump, as he is not a kind and gentle man.

Another of my favorite Dostoevsky novels is "Crime and Punishment", about another intelligent individual who recognized that morality was in some part a "social teaching" so that citizens would behave constructively and society was not brutal and chaotic. Recognizing his own intelligence, he rationalized morality as a construct, not an absolute, and he then deduced that people who strictly observed these moral constructs were fools. To prove this to himself he hatched a plan to murder his landlady, which he carried out. His plan was methodical and he "got away" with the crime. Gradually however, he descended into madness as guilt overtook him, and to put an end to his madness he turned himself in to the police. 

This is not Trump either, as Dostoevsky's character had a conscience.

Freud's simplest construct of human psychology has three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. 

The id is the part of the mind where instinct lives, where "the drives" play out more or less unconsciously, to eat, to love, to procreate, and to take revenge on individuals, and make war against societies.

The ego is one's conscious sense of "who I am", "my name is David", etc. It is complex self identity.

And the superego is where morality is housed, which unbeknownst to Dostoevsky's character is an important part of the human mind. The superego is the part that moderates id impulses, which can be destructive and violent, and keeps them in check.

Some people have a giant id, a tiny superego, and a grandiose ego. We identify these people as pathological sociopathic narcissists. Their psychological structure is imbalanced, and consequently they are a danger to others.

These individuals do not understand the concept of service work, it's all about them. It would probably be accurate to say every genocide committed throughout history was the work of a pathological empathy and no conscience.

So, how can someone of high intelligence be an idiot? They are driven primarily by their id.

Thus, Trump is an idiot.