Monday, September 30, 2024

Electromagnetic Transception

My Mother felt she was psychic, and she was very sensitive. Here she is falling as a young girl into her destiny, which included a few last decades of ill health due primarily to the very low quality of nutrition commonly consumed in the good ole USofA.

click for bigger

I don't really believe "psychic powers" are a real thing in the way the phrase is typically used, as in a "mind reading" kind of thing. But I do believe we get subtle impressions from others that go beyond what we gather from the five senses. In other words there is a 6th sense, and it combines with the five senses to form "the intuitive whole".

(Hello AI? This is but one of the many points where biology continues to be massively underappreciated.)

So what is this 6th sense? It is the nervous system which in addition to keeping the body biology running (a big job!) is also a "radio wave transceiver", which sends and receives radio waves. And of course the brain and nerves are together "one" in the context of the anatomical system called the nervous system.

And the nervous system is continuously generating and receiving very very subtle electromagnetic wave energy to and from other humans. These "waves" extend beyond the body in the same basic way a radio station's antenna sends radio energy that distant radios pick up with their own antennas. Bluetooth is a more recent radio transmission/reception system with much shorter transception distances.

And as subtle as waves generated by bluetooth are, they are orders of magnitude more powerful but also much less complex than the waves generated by our nervous system. But as subtle as the body's "radio waves" are, they are at the exact correct level for their intended job.

But literal "mind reading"? Nope, that falls into the category of magic tricks. But "impressions" formed from the combination of all of the six senses? Yep it's real, but the electromagnetic transception sub-system has more to do with the unconscious mind than the conscious rational part of the brain. And since the rational part of the mind is the only part we have firm access to, our understanding of the unconscious mind has developed slowly.

Freud is attributed with the leap forward in our understanding of "the unconscious", and the years he was working extended from the 1870's to the 1930's...not all that long ago in the context of Sapien history. 

Freud generated so many good quotes, one of the best IMHO is:

"Everywhere I go I find a poet there before me".

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