Thursday, March 28, 2024

To Live Past 100, Valter Longo, longevity researcher

Interesting article on the longevity researcher Valter Longo in the NYT. It appears not to be behind a paywall,To%20Live%20Past%20100%2C%20Mangia%20a%20Lot%20Less%3A%20Italian%20Expert's,and%20fish%20%E2%80%94%20and%20faux%20fasting.&text=Most%20members%20of%20the%20band,fast%2Ddie%2Dyoung%20lifestyle.

This jumped out at me:

using his diet to starve cells afflicted with cancer

Here is a summation to the fasting approach to treatment of diseases including cancer:

All cells including cancer cells need two things to grow, fuel and building blocks. Fuel comes from calories and building blocks come from protein. Except cancers need about 5x as much (or more) of both as normal cells, which is it's Achilles heel.

A water fast reduces both fuel and building blocks to a relative zero for the duration, and tumors actually shrink during that period.

During a water fast stored fats are converted to energy, the amount needed for survival but not heavy work. Meanwhile, as the fasting mechanism is engaged, body intelligence "assumes" disease or injury has arrested normal body functioning. In this period of extreme autophagy the body can and does reverse many conditions including some cancers. Some are more resistant however, but will still stop growing, and usually shrink for the duration.

The problem is how do we prevent the resumption of cancer growth as fuel and building blocks are reintroduced post fast.

What experts like Longo know is a reduction of fuel and/or certain proteins (methionine and leucine) is making differences. 

Longo also appeared on the Rich Roll Podcast recently, where a more complete understanding of the fasting approach to disease reversal and robust health will be possible:

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