Friday, March 29, 2024

Moderna mRNA vaccines have caused a spinal cord injury called Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis

Vaccine injuries are profuse, and still being covered up by our government, who are protecting the pharma industry...a massive revenue stream that is deemed essential to the US economy.

Which is a bizarre variation of something I've said more than once in this blog...that we've become a country who's economic health is dependent on a sick population. And although I have no statistics at had to confirm this, I believe this particular situation is also a primary contributor to the huge wealth gap that has developed over the past decade or so, and currently at historic extremes.

Here's one story of a spinal cord injury called Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis, and the suffering this woman has gone through as a result.

Leading oncologist Angus Dalgleish calls for an immediate and permanent ban of mRNA vax technology

 I'd like to start this blog with a few notes below on Dr Dalgleish's eminence as a physician/researcher, particularly in the fields of cancer, immunology, and vaccine research and development:


Professor Angus Dalgleish is a leading cancer specialist and the Foundation Professor of Oncology at St. George's University of London. He is also the Principal of the Institute for Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy. His clinical interests include cancer immunotherapy, especially as applied to melanoma, prostate, pancreatic, gliomas, and other solid tumor types.

Dalgleish has made seminal observations relating to the virology of HIV, including identifying CD4 as a major receptive for HIV in humans, producing the first report of a link between Slim Disease in Africa and HIV infection, and identifying the close correlation between the immune response and the presence of tropical spastic paraparesis in patients infected with the HTLV-1 virus.

Dalgleish is a Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians of the UK and Australia, Royal College of Pathologists, and The Academy of Medical Scientists. His current research focuses on improving the response to IMM-101, which he now calls an immune modulator. He is also interested in combining immune modulators and immune therapy with other modalities.

So why then is a prominent physician researcher of his eminence and accomplishment calling for an immediate and permanent ban of mRNA vaccine technology? It has to do with a very unusual rise in the all cause death rate that is way above normal in western countries.

Dr Dalgleish has published this article:

But Dalgleish is not alone in seeing this. The life insurance industry was perhaps the first body that noticed the rate well above normal. The CDC has published these numbers, but the British CDC equivalent has recently altered how their data is published to reflect better optics perhaps. Perhaps the CDC will do so as well, we'll see.

An American statistician has studied this phenomenon and is speaking out about it:

Dr John Campbell has been in conversation with Dr Dalgleish, here are some of Dr Campbell's preliminary remarks in this video:

Thursday, March 28, 2024

To Live Past 100, Valter Longo, longevity researcher

Interesting article on the longevity researcher Valter Longo in the NYT. It appears not to be behind a paywall,To%20Live%20Past%20100%2C%20Mangia%20a%20Lot%20Less%3A%20Italian%20Expert's,and%20fish%20%E2%80%94%20and%20faux%20fasting.&text=Most%20members%20of%20the%20band,fast%2Ddie%2Dyoung%20lifestyle.

This jumped out at me:

using his diet to starve cells afflicted with cancer

Here is a summation to the fasting approach to treatment of diseases including cancer:

All cells including cancer cells need two things to grow, fuel and building blocks. Fuel comes from calories and building blocks come from protein. Except cancers need about 5x as much (or more) of both as normal cells, which is it's Achilles heel.

A water fast reduces both fuel and building blocks to a relative zero for the duration, and tumors actually shrink during that period.

During a water fast stored fats are converted to energy, the amount needed for survival but not heavy work. Meanwhile, as the fasting mechanism is engaged, body intelligence "assumes" disease or injury has arrested normal body functioning. In this period of extreme autophagy the body can and does reverse many conditions including some cancers. Some are more resistant however, but will still stop growing, and usually shrink for the duration.

The problem is how do we prevent the resumption of cancer growth as fuel and building blocks are reintroduced post fast.

What experts like Longo know is a reduction of fuel and/or certain proteins (methionine and leucine) is making differences. 

Longo also appeared on the Rich Roll Podcast recently, where a more complete understanding of the fasting approach to disease reversal and robust health will be possible:

Why was mRNA the Government Vaccine of Choice for COVID-19?

Dr Peter McCullough explains why mRNA was the Government Vaccine of Choice for COVID-19 at this link:

Dr McCullough was stripped of at least two sources of income and one professorship for his contribution to the public conversation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, and then later, the mRNA vaccine.

As he speaks about why mRNA technology was the vaccine of choice for Covid 19 it is not difficult to understand the overt censorship and punishment of contrary professional opinion regarding public protocols for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic.

When I say professional opinion I am speaking about a phenomenon that continues to be generally unknown by the public, which are the numbers of health care practitioners and researchers around the world in abject disagreement with all aspects of the public protocols that have been used for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many of these professionals were at the peak of their areas of specialty.

If draconian lockdowns and inadequately tested mRNA had proven out to the independent global scientific community perhaps we would not be seeing the uproar that is currently going on in that independent scientific community.

The key word here is "independent":  the pharma industry "owns" healthcare regulatory agencies, which have the power of stripping individuals of income and the licenses to practice. There has never been an instance in US history of the sort of bureaucratic fascism we witnessed, and are still witnessing. 

Fascism is a strong word. Why am I using it?

Public and private collaboration is normal, and economic benefit can and does occur. However where censorship and punishment is used in a combination of public and private economic power, there is fascism.

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and stabilizes every part of the body. Fascism is the word coined by Mussolini to mean the inseparable connection of public and private economics. Fascism does not mean genocide, although fascists have certainly committed genocides.

Communism is not fascist, as there is no private sector in communism.

IMHO the greatest and most unique things about America's contribution to world history are the separation of church and state, and the separation of public and private economic sectors. That public / private separation has been gradually diminishing the past few decades, but the leap forward toward fascism during the pandemic is stunning and shocking.

Those are strong words, but I cannot think of any other way to say it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Cancer Deaths Spiked in 2021 & 2022

And following the previous post here's additional information regarding the excess deaths in the developed western countries, in a video interview with a former Wall Street analyst Ed Dowd.

Dissension in the ranks...Let's not make the mistakes of the past

Drs John Campbell and Robert Clancy sitting down to discuss some of the issues to be addressed at an upcoming conference of the Australian Medical Association to be held in Sidney.

In addition the Australian Medical Association has published a book concerning the excess all cause mortality rate in Australia, available as a PDF download at no cost here:

This excess death rate is only occurring in developed west countries, and only began to occur after excess deaths from the virus itself had returned to pre-virus levels. Researchers from around the world are concerned, and the book the Australian Medical Association has published has articles contributed by some of them.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Response to a blog who's author is supportive of Harvard termination of Prof Martin Kulldorff

 I saw it was long and only now got around to reading it. At least this guy is a real doctor, not part of the mass hysteria crowd. I looked for evidence he is also a research scientist but didn't find it if it does exist. (Not spending too much time on it.) I did see he came across the Ioannidis seroprevalence study and was hesitant to argue against it as Ioannidis is one of the most published and cited epidemiologists in history.

The importance of this study (and other covid-19 seroprevalence studies) in the early days was to learn if the virus was risk stratified, and if so the percent of death according to risk stratification, and looking for the prevalence of antibodies across the entire population.

Covid-19 is/was very risk stratified, as is now clear, affecting mostly the elderly, whose immune systems are weaker for two reasons, age, and in addition poor lifestyle choices (which is more common in the US than any other developed world population).

The risk of death from infection was much lower in middle age, and a statistical zero in children under age about 14 (if I recall the exact age). So resistance to the virus is a smooth plot according to age and immune system strength.

On a side note "Immune System" is a bit of a misnomer, there is no specific anatomical system for immunity, the entire body is involved , to varying degrees.

What are the 12 systems of the human body?
They are Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Urinary System, and Reproductive System (Female and Male). 

These seroprevalence studies, along with other established pandemic science, are the entire rationale for protecting the elderly, allowing children to stay in school, not giving vaccines to children under 12, and allowing the middle aged to continue work activities according to personal choice. 

There were no independent studies at that point for the safety and efficacy of the new mRNA tech, and none of the three authors of the GB Declaration have ever been "antivaxx" in any way.

Some call any resistance to any vaccine "antivaxx", a completely anti-science stance. Many vaccines in history have been withdrawn for safety reasons.  The only bodies saying vaccines are universally safe and effective are the profiteers. I'm surprised when rational people agree with that bias.

These studies also demonstrated the virus was spreading very quickly, much too quickly to stop in its tracks. It became clear then what we know now, basically every one has been exposed, and the majority to the point of symptoms. 

And standard epidemiological science is that viral pandemics are a natural disaster. We cannot stop volcanos, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc, and pandemics. We can however use science to reduce destructivity, with risk stratification etc.

Zero Covid was an invention of some marketing department, or at best, wishful thinking.

And the rationales for a total lock down and vaccines for everyone are an invention of BigP. The vaers vaccine injury system alone is sufficient evidence the roll out would have been stopped early in previous years on the basis of safety concerns. And now we have independent studies coming in from around the globe confirming significant safety issues.

The US Vaers reporting system (vaccine adverse event reporting system), and similar systems in nearly every country across the globe, suggest mRNA vaccine tech is quite dangerous relative to the commonly accepted standards for vaccine safety.

Finally a note about "studies" done by or for BigP (you've heard this before) are completely invalid on that one point alone - profit bias is "built in". Other biases are the participation of anyone involved with any kind of drug development invalidates studies. The only medical studies that can be trusted are completely independent. These are the only studies I pay attention to, and by that measure we've suffered ongoing censorship of medical information for at least a decade prior to the pandemic.

A lot of people that do follow independent studies re the pandemic are saying this has been a crime against humanity. In my opinion it has not risen to that level, but censorship of real scientific debate, censorship of information, ignoring basic epidemiological science, and mandates enforced by loss of livelihood, approach that level. What remains to be seen is the sum result of independent studies of vaccine related injury/death rates, and those studies are being done, but not by the pharma surprise there. 

Meanwhile what happened during the pandemic is potentially still happening...the all cause mortality rates across most of the globe in 2022 and 2023 are off the chart, while deaths from covid ave fallen to an effective nil. In the developed west (where BigP is in control of legislative bodies) there is massive resistance to looking into this issue.
Meanwhile my point of view is not a rush to judgement, and patience.

I will also say I do not understand why all things pandemic were politicized liberal and conservative. That to me says neither side should be listened to. 

Let's continue to listen to independent research scientists. 

Fortunately full censorship of the global internet is as yet not possible.

Friday, March 15, 2024

De Niro isn't afraid of Trump

I think most people do not understand what it means to be a pathological malignant narcissist, but Robert De Niro clearly does!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Exactly how rare is the occurrence of biology in the universe?

First, did you ever stop and think where the term universe came from? Uni = one; verse = song; universe = one song. 

We don't know thats true! It's a metaphysical term, ie "spiritual", and has nothing to do with science as we think of science in our hypertech ultramodern world of today.

So why are we still using the term Universe? Can't we up the game a bit with a science word? 

The problem is we don't know "scientifically" if there is one verse. There might be two, or three or an infinite number of them.

Ah, I get it, if there's an infinite number of them, all of them would be one thing, all the songs. A body of songs.

Humm, back to metaphysics again, and metaphysics is a branch of philosophy, and definitely not the cold hard facts of science!! Maybe Einstein (definitely a scientist) had it figured out: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Shit. Now we're falling deeper into the quagmire of infinity (whatever that is). Does that mean we have to be either atheist or religious? What if I want to be both?

Humm, I guess that would be pantheistic agnosticism. Which I guess translates roughly to "I know there is life, but I can't really say I understand it completely".

How do I know? I don't know, I just know that I know we are definitely "here". It's a feeling.

Perhaps the word science isn't really "grounded" unless we can turn a specific scientific principle into a technology. Like Einstein: e=mc2, et voila, nuclear energy.

That word bugs me, sounds a bit like "new clear", doesn't it?

Which brings us back to biology, ie life, and the question: how rare is it...?

Or how common? How common is biology in the universe?

Obviously we have absolutely no idea. We at least know there is one example, and we are it, living, as we are, in the "known" universe.

So there is at least one, and I think it's likely if there's one there's more. But since there is only one in the "known" universe, and since that's a relatively big space, it is rare.

So "biology is rare" is a ground plane of understanding. Let's look further at why it is relatively rare.

How far is the earth from the sun? 92 million miles. How far is the equator to the poles? 6000 miles. Apparently the "star to planet ratio" is pretty exact since none of the other planets in "our" solar system (yes we own it:) have biological life. Why not?

The star to planet ratio has to do with strength of radiation, heat and light, and very likely other forms of radiation also. The heat and illumination ratio has to be pretty damn exact...and how do we know that?

Well, think about the distance of the earth to the sun, 92 million miles. Now think about the distance of the equator to the poles, 6 thousand miles. Now think about the fact the proliferation of species of biology on the equator is VASTLY (some unknown orders of magnitude) greater than the the proliferation of biology on the poles. In a measly 6000 miles is the difference between almost too hot to almost too cold for biology to exist. And 6000 compared to 92 million? Relative to that number, if the earth was just a tiny bit further or closer to the sun biology would not exist, it would be too cold or too hot.

No wonder Earth is the only planet in nine where the extremely rare miracle of biology occured.

And how is it the earth hit that exact sweet spot? What are the oods?

You'd think we would be more careful with that rare miracle, right? 

We already know there are enough nukes on the planet to destroy most of the biology on the planet (including us), and now we are worried artificial intelligence has the potential (according to the brainiacs who invented it) to end the human species!

Double trouble.

So why in the name of creation are we disrupting the ecology with man made technology to the point the so-called 6th mass extinction has begun?

I'll give you the short version, and it's something we humans really don't like admitting to ourselves. We are "driven" mostly by the unconscious (instinctual) mind, not the rational "conscious" mind. But not only that, the "processing" of the unconscious mind (brain, brain stem, and nervous system) takes up about 10x more space in the entire "autonomic nervous system" than the conscious mind's processing does.

Which makes us closer to the "lower animals" than we like to admit.

You know the one "we only use about 10% of our brain"? Well that's what it is referring to. And the incredible thing is that it takes up so much "room", and yet we are completely unconscious of it.

So the unconscious drive behavior that probably gets us in more trouble than the others is greed. Buddhists have a solution for that! But how many of us are Buddhists...

That aside, the better we personally become with loving behavior, the more likely we will individually become a net positive in our "impact" on the planet and all of our brothers and sisters across the planet.

Will that save our species? Who knows, but one thing is for certain, it just feels better living that way, and that is reason enough.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dietary Heart Disease, Damage to Arterial Endothelial, Rubbery Plaque Formation, and Spike Protein Damage to Endothelial

We know from dietary heart disease that damage to the endothelial generates a rubbery plaque to form on arterial walls as a defense of some kind. And we now know the mRNA vaxxes generate massive spike proteins cascading through the arterial and vascular systems, damaging the endothelial, and generating similar rubbery plaques as occurs in dietary heart disease.

If nothing else this vaxx disaster shines a bright light on the cause of premature death in the majority of developed world populations, which could be a positive for population health.

That is unless the pharma industry manages to cover up this connection due to the damage it would cause to their business model.

There is a well documented sordid history of this sort of cover up. But wouldn't it be nice if the most prescribed drug, statins, becomes the least prescribed drug because it isn't needed any longer, and developed world healthy life spans were extended by decades.

Monday, March 4, 2024

AI, Friend or Foe?

It mispronounced sentient! A programmer's easter egg?

Sentient definition:
Sentient means capable of sensing or feeling. It can also mean conscious of or responsive to sensations like seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling. For example, "Elephants are highly intelligent, sentient and responsive creatures".

Sentience surfaces only in self generating life, ie biology. 

Sentience definition:
The capacity to experience feelings and sensations, to have affective consciousness, subjective states that have a positive or negative valence (Chandroo et al., 2004). From: Neuroscience, 2022.

How do seeds know how and when to sprout? This can be argued to be among the most basic forms of sentience.

Life, ie biology, is some unknown orders of magnitude more complex than AI, and any other form of technology.

Can AI be made into a weapon? Of course. Any technology can be made into weapon. 

Technology does not have feelings, intuition, instincts, "drive", or an unconscious mind.

It does not want anything.

The danger is not AI, it is "drive", Eros and Thanatos:

In Greek mythology, Eros is the god of love and desire, while Thanatos is the personification of death. Eros represents the life instinct, which drives behaviors that promote survival, pleasure, and reproduction. Thanatos, on the other hand, represents the death instinct, which drives aggressive and destructive behaviors. 

While Eros is associated with creativity, love, and relationships, Thanatos is associated with aggression, self-destructive tendencies, and the desire for death or non-existence. Freud borrowed these terms from Greek mythology to conceptualize two fundamental drives within the human psyche in constant conflict, shaping human behavior and psychological development.

In other words, as POGO said, we have met the enemy and he is us.

As we get smarter do the odds we will self-destruct grow? If so, why would we call it smarter?