Sunday, May 14, 2023

Post pandemic - there are excess deaths around the world

Dr John Campbell has been reporting on the excess death data coming from global government agencies that collect health data.

There is an average baseline of deaths in the population that varies a bit by season. It accounts for normal ongoing average death rates due to car accidents and seasonal flu and age related causes. When the death rate spikes above that average something else is going on. And something else is going on right now. The odd thing is media isn't saying a word about it, and state health agencies aren't doing the data analysis that would answer the question: what is the cause of this? The most obvious question that should be analyzed, I would think, are the excess deaths occurring mostly in vaccinated or unvaccinated populations?

After all, the CDC had to admit that mRNA vaccines failed on the two things vaccines are supposed to do for us, prevent infection and stop transmission. Now the backstop narrative combined with that admission is the vaccines did at least lower the death rate, and millions more would have died without the global vaccine campaigns.

On the other hand, isn't it also obvious if they had worked as promised vastly fewer deaths would have occurred? We don't know that number since vaccines that worked did not occur, but is it unreasonable to think that number would have been vastly lower than the "deaths prevented" number trotted out by bid pharma?

And how do we know that number is accurate to begin with? The data served up by bid pharma is provided by bid pharma, and the agencies captured by bid pharma. And the very bedrock principle of science, the principle that makes it science to begin with, is to exclude bias in both the construction of the model under test, and in the analysis of that data. We have both of those biases contaminating the data we get on all things pandemic.

Well let's admit there's an inherent problem in much of how medical "science" is done, no group can afford to pay for it other than bid pharma (which includes captured "health" agencies and legislative and regulatory bodies). So that makes it OK for bias in model under test and data analysis? 

Not if you want to call it science!

Well, let's ignore that little problem and call it science anyway. And as we heard zillions of times during the pandemic, let's all "follow the science!". 

No problem, except it isn't science.

It's very unfortunate, but we cannot trust any of the "health advice" coming from bid pharma these days. Actually, make that the past two decades, but who's counting. And bid pharma has control of the entire health care complex. Which in total compromises the biggest chunk of the entire US economy.

The corruption in this situation has become so very obvious in the past few years even non-health nuts are beginning to see it.

Orwell is no longer knocking on the front door, we have welcomed him into our homes, and he is ensconced on the living room sofa. 

Hello George! What took you so long!

Why are "we collectively" so resistant to seeing the obvious in this case? It is too shocking and disturbing to contemplate. In fact I don't even want to publish this post to my reader group (which is small by choice anyway). Why? All but a very few got all the jabs, and the power of suggestion could well be counter-productive in this situation. So what do we do?

I guess George is here to stay.

Dr. Campbell shows us current data on the excess death data in this recent video report:

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