Some folks seem to have the idea if they can identify those few plants with "special" qualities they are good to go. They're on the hunt for the "silver bullet". Hate to say it, but there ain't no silver bullet. The point isn't special plants, it's simply plants in general, in the variety that provides the body with optimal levels of macro nutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats), and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc).
That variety of plants is fruits and veg, whole grains, spuds, legumes, and some nuts and seeds. Leafy greens and beans for protein. There's a saying in the investing world the only free lunch is diversification. This variety is the dietary diversification that meets our needs for nutrition perfectly, in the least taxing way (does not drag energy down with digesting and detoxing).
This is the standard Whole Foods Plant Based Diet recommended by a growing group of MDs and Nutritionists. They recommend it because it works.
This group of foods has another advantage for people changing their diet, it's the foods we grew up eating, minus the animals. That makes the diet satisfying and familiar, which is important when changing life long habits.
Your taste buds will thank you, and it won't take long for your body to begin thanking you either.
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