Sunday, July 26, 2020

There's No Free Lunch - Sunscreen Chemicals Accumulate in Body at High Levels

What?! Can you believe this?

Again? When are these bleeping scientists finally going get it right and give us the immortality we came here for?

Right? Are we not the true believers in science, the miracle of modern medicine, the one true path to immortality?

If the sunscreen debacle weren't bad enough on it's own, now scientists also want us to believe that sun exposure is actually good for us! AND (wait for it)...supplements aren't really effective! What happened?! Did science just go crazy, or what?!

Our faith is shaken...but, as a responsible blogger I feel it's my duty to show you this blaspheme as well:

OK, kidding aside...just don't put stuff in your body that isn't whole fresh FOOD.

And don't put a bunch of chemicals on your skin either! What you put on your skin ends up IN your body. What do we want on our skin? Air, sun, water, touch...the things that got us here to begin with  :)

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