Saturday, March 21, 2020

How do estimates of US deaths from Coronavirus compare to other leading causes?

I was curious, looked it up found an article from NYT:

Interesting. Seven of the ten leading causes of death per year are caused mostly by what we choose to put in our mouths. Take out Covid-19 and it's eight (renal failure becomes #10). 

About 1/3 of people in the developed world die prematurely of the leading killer, the cardiovascular diseases hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. There is no panic, the economy does not grind to a halt. Instead, perhaps ironically, our economy is fueled in large part by the production and treatment of diet related diseases.

Production includes animal and mono crop agriculture, the chemical industry with fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides for the crops (I'll have a cide with that please), big pharma with antibiotics for the animals. And then production of final product into fast and processed foods, fast food restaurant industry, and supermarket sales.

Treatment includes medical insurance, doctor visits, "lifetime" medications (big pharma makes a killing twice, excuse the choice of words), and finally hospitalizations, surgeries and palliative care.

All told multi trillions flow into US coffers every year from heart disease alone. And most remain blissfully unaware a simple change of diet prevents (and reverses) heart disease. The elephant in the room goes unnoticed.

Theoretical reductions in total cost per year are massive...but the economy is fueled by poor diet and the (so-called) health care system. And the economy is fragile! Still recovering (barely) from the near collapse in the 2008 crash.

do - not - remove - any - source - of - revenue

Food for thought?

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