And yet we know from Drs. Ornish and Esselstyn that a simple change of diet completely reverses progression of heart disease, and probably reduces chances of cancer by some exponential function.
Well, apparently not everyone knows this yet, else why would rates continue to progress? Addiction denial? Yeah, probably part of the reason. But most have not even heard the news yet. Or if they have they simply don't believe it. Their doc would surely have mentioned it, yeah?
Diet is the foundation piece of disease reversal. You can't "inhale" toxins every day and expect to make up for it with pushups or running.
Prescription meds are also toxic BTW. If you're on the typical meds (arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, high cholesterol) you're working a double whammy. Wonder why the doc didn't mention that as he ripped the top sheet off the prescription pad...
Meanwhile our beloved pharmacological scientists are working hard on a (patentable prescription) drug for Alzheimer's. Gotta love those trillion dollar guys.
However! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Intelligent application of activity is rocket fuel. It activates and accelerates all the various detoxification "circuits" in the body. As we all know, basically, there's cardio and strength training. Both are good! But recently there's increasing evidence that strength training (lifting weights) is best of all. And now there's a controlled study showing reversal of dementia in animals via strength training! (We're animals aren't we?) Here's a New York Times article about it:
Weight training...not just good for your bones...good for your Brain!