Friday, July 26, 2019

We need to clarify our message

Counter productive intercene squabbling has broken out in the whole food plant based community. Many "vegans" are now ex-vegans, which confounds and irks the "true believers" who want to "save the animals", and "save the planet".

We're focusing on the wrong animals.

The term "vegan" is problematic because it does not specifically address human health. But health, physical and emotional/spiritual, is the core problem.

Healthier human cultures would be more apt to recognize and abstain from self destructive practices such as industrial scale manufacture of animals for food. We might even begin to unwind the economic "growth at all costs" paradigm that brings us ever closer to the brink of global economic collapse. The potential for an historic paradigm shift in human existence is present, but we're less effective than we could be because we're mixing our metaphors.

We use the terms "vegan" and "whole food plant based" interchangeably as if they were the same thing. Yes there is overlap, but they are not the same thing. Vegan can be a breakfast of (the registered trademarks) Fruit Loops and Pepsi, whereas whole food plant based comes directly from mineral rich non-toxic soil to your table, and is the healthiest diet for humans.

"Whole" is a critically important element in the phrase "whole food plant based", because it connotes (primarily) two things: unprocessed (whole), and nutritional sufficiency. It also connotes "whole (intact) nutrient structure" (an apple not a vitamin pill). Can you imagine a diet of only empty calorie foods? All the supplements in the world will not make make it healthy. We love science fiction, the technologic promise of convenience and "better than nature". It's the dream that does not die easy that's killing us.

Physician heal thyself. Fixing the physical-emotional-spiritual health disaster that has befallen our species makes us more effective, conscious, compassionate, and ethical. This is not a utopian dream, it's a practical potential.

We did not create Earth, it created us, and will very likely survive the end of humans whenever and however that occurs. Earth is a very sweet spot (waaay better than Mars:) ...Let's hang around for awhile.

Collectively we do not understand the rapid and profound shift in physical health and emotional/spiritual consciousness that occurs with a whole food plant based approach because we have not yet experienced it individually.

Let's work toward increased awareness by clarifying our message with a focus on human health. The animals and the planet will thank us.

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