Thursday, April 4, 2019

What we aren't eating is killing us, global study finds

A good friend sent this article over, and while it's kind of a chicken or egg argument (is it better to stop eating the bad stuff, or eat the good stuff?), I'm not going to nit pick because the overarching message is solid as a rock and so very important.

It's an interesting article (and study) from a number of angles. Here's the main problem, from the article:

"Getting back to whole grains is going to require a complete change in the economics of food production and distribution. Refining grains is highly profitable".

So let's see...which global force is the primary beneficiary of all that profit? Well lookie there, it's the good old US economy. The economy that sneezes and the rest of the world gets a cold (still). The one that remains in a critical crash prone state due primarily to very high levels of debt and "financial engineering" (leverage). The one that is highly resistant to any change that results in lower revenues flowing into the economy.

10x as many deaths from heart disease as cancer, but we're more afraid of, and concerned with, cancer - for good reason, it's a horrible way to go. At least heart disease is quick for many, first symptom is a fatal heart attack.

You wouldn't know listening to all the BS propaganda out there, but it's cold hard scientific fact that a diet with majority of calories coming from whole starch foods (whole grains and tubers), and fruits, with sufficient levels of other veggies (especially leafy greens), legumes, a few nuts and seeds, and completely devoid of the "three devils" sugar, oil, and salt, and a de minimis level of animal products, would collapse 80 % of the disease conditions we see in developed countries today.

We've "known" this since Hippocrates, but lately we've confused ourselves by conflating science with profit, bioengineering, and "body hacking".

We humans will never stop looking for the magic bullet. The one we shoot ourselves in the foot with over and over.

C'est la vie...this is a significant aspect of "the human condition". Intelligence is a double edged sword.

To end on a positive note, the seminal work on health for our time, The China Study, was published a short 15 years ago. Change will not be top down, the resistant economic forces are huge, and intractable. It will be bottom up. Keep spreading the word...

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